Monday, September 14, 2009

Are you ready for some football?!

As we all know (or should know by now), the glorious football season is upon us!
I am a fan of football and really enjoy watching it although I do not know all the players names on all of my teams or the coaches names or the plays. I just enjoy it when my team wins! I do know a bit because I was a cheerleader in high school, so I had to know a little bit!

Just for the record, my teams are:
Colts(Indiana born & raised)
Packers (just love them)
New England Patriots (Tom Brady)
New York Giants (for Eli, whom I have followed since his college years)
Cowboys (always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader!)

I know these teams don't "jive" with one another or whatever, I have been told that several times by my husband, but they are my teams! And this is the order of them also. Just in case they ever play one another.

I am trying to learn more and more each week about this beloved game and I even participated in a no rules game of flag football this weekend with the family. A game I hope turns into a weekly ritual! I think rules may need to be set in place and a parent may need to referee for the sake of our relationships though! My sister and I get pretty hardcore when competing against one another!

Have to say, WAR EAGLE! Auburn U won this weekend and good job Rodgers and the rest of the Packers! (Or thank you to Jay Cutler of the Bears!)

If I learn anything interesting/new, I'll be around all season to share with you!!

Stay tuned for more Amazing Adventures!!!


1 comment:

  1. YOU CAN NOT LIKE THE PATRIOTS IF YOU LIKE THE COLTS!!!!! (but Austin wants to so we may send him to live w/you)

    I was thinking boys vs girls next week if we can get Mom to play with us. Love ya
