Thursday, April 30, 2009

BuSy, BuSy, BuSy!!

So, I bet all of you that actually read this..(all 2)..probably can tell when I have nothing to do at work!! Anyways...
I have tons to do this weekend & I was just thinking about it getting a little overwhelmed..some of you may read this and think I'm stupid and ridiculous because none of the stuff is really important, but it's still a lot to do!!
After work today, I am picking up Jack then going to get my oil change, then after we hang and I put him to bed, I am going to the midnight showing of Wolverine with Jess and our friend, Allen. (I'm going because they always go to those things and they begged me to go this time). Friday, I have to work until 5pm, then my soon-to-be sister-in-law Christina is doing my hair in an updo to try it out for my wedding. After putting Jack to bed when Jess gets home we are driving to Indy so we can be there for the 5K on Saturday. Saturday, I get up at some ungodly hour to go "run" in a 5K that I have not been training for! I'm mainly doing it because my whole family is doing it (excluding my Dad) and I thought it'd be a fun bonding time. Jess is doing it too so that's cool, although he said he was going to run/walk with us girls!! After that I guess all I HAVE to do is make it home and hang with Jack, but I still have to set up a plethora of appointments with people for the wedding and I wanted to take Jack to the zoo and Sunday we always have dinner with my family!
I always thought I thrived when I had a full schedule, but I think I need some time to myself! I normally clean the house on Friday nights so it is clean for me over the weekend, and I won't be able to do that now:( I don't know what's wrong with me but I get really excited when it's Friday & I know I get to go home and super-clean my house! I love it! & on Sundays during Jack's nap I normally do all of our laundry that has piled up throughout the week! I don't know when I'll get to that this week!
Anyways, I'm not really complaining, I just wanted to write it down and see exactly what was going on. Looks like I should be able to breathe sometime Saturday afternoon providing I don't keel over during the 5K! Which is very possible!
I guess as an adult you do the things you HAVE to do & you forfit (sp?) certain things you want to do for the other things you want to do!! (Like sleep for a movie!) whatever...If I knew being grown up would be so hard, I don't think I would've been trying to grow up so fast in the past. You don't know what you've got till it's gone, right?!
All in all, I LOVE my life and my family and friends, so I'll do whatever I need to to get some quality time with all of them!
I'll let you know how the movie is & how I place in the 5K..don't expect a high rank!
Thanks for reading!


weDDinG fuN!!!

So...Great news!!
We got our loan and we got The Fort!! Bad news=we aren't having any chairs or tents at The Fort so the people who REALLY love me will have to STAND!! Oh well!

Things are really coming together! Yay for me!! Good thing too because we're getting close!! I honestly never thought I would get this close!! It seemed like it was forever away! And now it seems right around the corner! SO much to still do!! Now that we have money though, it is really a lot more fun than stressful! Yay!

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know...lots of times I get on here & I'm complaining etc...things are going really well & I am stoked!! I feel as though my wedding cannot get here soon enough!

I'M SO EXCITED!!! I just want it all to happen!!!
The final planning begins...

Maybe I should send out the invites!!

Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Sorry about that last one, the boss came in the room! Anyways...

I learned an interesting fact this weekend! As I was looking for synonyms for the word stupid I found the word dumb. The word "dumb" means mute! So, when people used to say Helen Keller was "deaf, dumb, and blind" I always thought they were calling her stupid & I didn't thinkthat was very nice but ACTUALLY they were saying she was mute! I guess you do learn something new everyday!!

Stay tuned for more of my Amazing Adventures!!



SO, we are going to (hopefully) get our loan today for our wedding!! I'm super excited because I won't have to stress about money while I plan!! I really do think it's obtuse to get a loan to get married but we already had so much in the works we kind of have to! Oh well! We'll get better credit and pay it of early!
Speaking of obtuse, that is the word I tell Jack to say because he loves saying the word stupid. So when he says stupid I tell him to say obtuse instead.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I remembered #2!


#2~I am friends with plenty of people on Facebook that I'm not really "friends" with but we went to school together or whatever and like to stay in touch. Point being, lots of people my age are just finishing college and/or getting their masters, etc. My question is, Is a degree really necessary for a good job or success? I know the real answer is yes because employers for the better paying/better-in-general jobs require a degree, but for most (aside from a scientist, doctor, etc..) you really don't need a degree. I mean, really! Most of the jobs that "require" a degree, I could do if someone trained me in that company's policies. Now, don't get me wrong, I totally think college degrees are great and I am planning on returning to college soon (this fall hopefully) but I'm just saying, I feel extremely cheated from certain opportunities because of my lack of degree. At this point, I'm having a bit of trouble getting funding for my education, so that doesn't mean I'm dumb, it just means I'm broke! Just a little thought I had while noticing that I have a better job than over half of my friends on facebook that are graduated/graduating with a degree! (no offense, it's just the truth). Many of my friends don't even have a job and they've been looking for over a year with a degree! I feel bad for them, but, what can I say? I'm not trying to sound better than anyone by any means because I'm not, but I just think a little too much emphasis is placed by certain companie and employers for the degree when it may not be necessary. Trust me, I want my doctor, vet, speech/pathologist, and anyone like that to have one!! So props to all who have one and to those who don't, no biggie..there's still hope I think!!


2 Things...

Ok, 2 things...

#1~I just have to voice this for all of the so-called "bridezillas" out there...I believe people in the wedding industry SUCK and they do not care or work hard enough. I believe this is the exact reason that women planning weddings turn into what we all call "bridezillas". I am currently waiting 2 weeks to find out if my site for my wedding will be approved or not, David's Bridal won't order any of my bridesmaids dresses until they've all gone in to order them, they call me every two weeks to tell me the girls haven't ordered their dresses (like I don't know!), their colors don't match Men's Wearhouse colors yet they're partnered up...& the list goes on. So, I guess A) I DO NOT recommend Davids Bridal AT ALL!! B) Women are forced to become more forceful and direct to get what they want for their wedding because the people in the wedding industry don't really get how stressful it is and how a bride feels when things are not planned her way. Just a little opinion of mine!

#2~Crap...I forgot my #2...I'll have to get back to you on that one!



Helloooo!!! I was just asked yesterday what happened to my blog, so I thought it was time to write something! Just a few updates from my AmAzInG lIfE!!

First, the whole giving up alcohol thing didn't last although I only drank twice which is still really good for me! I'm still trying not to drink pop because I like it better that way!

I have been wedding planning like CrAzY!! We met with our minister on Tuesday, we're still waiting a week for the board at The Fort to make their final decision on whether or not we can have our wedding there, so the invitations will be done as soon as we find out! We actually have to get a loan for our wedding which TOTALLY sucks!! But, hopefully we'll pay it off early and improve our credit. We meet with the loan guy next Tuesday @ 2pm. Hopefully we can get what we want!! I still feel like I am completely behind with everything but my mom seems to think I am right on track, so, I guess mom knows best! (I hope)!

My sister is in charge of my bachelorette party & I have no idea what we are doing for it, but I trust her so I'm sure it will be fun!! She did mention she might have "something for me to wear", so I hope it matches my outfit!! I got 3 dresses for the bridal showers and bachelorette party and a dress for my rehearsal dinner & jewelry. All I have left to get are shoes! (any suggestions Sarah?)

Jack is SO the light of my life! He is such a fun child to be around and so incredibly smart and full of life! He is 2, so he has many moments in the day where he "freaks" but I know with good parenting and patience he will get better! We watch the movie Monsters Inc. EVERY day! sometimes multiple times...that's kind of nutz, but my brother told me about watching movies in "1.5" so I might try that. "1.5" is watching the movie & pushing the slow forward button until it's at 1.5. He said you can still watch the movie & understand it, it just goes by quicker, so that would be awesome!!

Anyways...all in all, life is good! I love my job, love my fiance, my son and all supporting members of my life! I thank God every day for each and every one of you!! Thanks!!

Stay tuned for more of my AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
