Thursday, April 30, 2009

BuSy, BuSy, BuSy!!

So, I bet all of you that actually read this..(all 2)..probably can tell when I have nothing to do at work!! Anyways...
I have tons to do this weekend & I was just thinking about it getting a little overwhelmed..some of you may read this and think I'm stupid and ridiculous because none of the stuff is really important, but it's still a lot to do!!
After work today, I am picking up Jack then going to get my oil change, then after we hang and I put him to bed, I am going to the midnight showing of Wolverine with Jess and our friend, Allen. (I'm going because they always go to those things and they begged me to go this time). Friday, I have to work until 5pm, then my soon-to-be sister-in-law Christina is doing my hair in an updo to try it out for my wedding. After putting Jack to bed when Jess gets home we are driving to Indy so we can be there for the 5K on Saturday. Saturday, I get up at some ungodly hour to go "run" in a 5K that I have not been training for! I'm mainly doing it because my whole family is doing it (excluding my Dad) and I thought it'd be a fun bonding time. Jess is doing it too so that's cool, although he said he was going to run/walk with us girls!! After that I guess all I HAVE to do is make it home and hang with Jack, but I still have to set up a plethora of appointments with people for the wedding and I wanted to take Jack to the zoo and Sunday we always have dinner with my family!
I always thought I thrived when I had a full schedule, but I think I need some time to myself! I normally clean the house on Friday nights so it is clean for me over the weekend, and I won't be able to do that now:( I don't know what's wrong with me but I get really excited when it's Friday & I know I get to go home and super-clean my house! I love it! & on Sundays during Jack's nap I normally do all of our laundry that has piled up throughout the week! I don't know when I'll get to that this week!
Anyways, I'm not really complaining, I just wanted to write it down and see exactly what was going on. Looks like I should be able to breathe sometime Saturday afternoon providing I don't keel over during the 5K! Which is very possible!
I guess as an adult you do the things you HAVE to do & you forfit (sp?) certain things you want to do for the other things you want to do!! (Like sleep for a movie!) whatever...If I knew being grown up would be so hard, I don't think I would've been trying to grow up so fast in the past. You don't know what you've got till it's gone, right?!
All in all, I LOVE my life and my family and friends, so I'll do whatever I need to to get some quality time with all of them!
I'll let you know how the movie is & how I place in the 5K..don't expect a high rank!
Thanks for reading!



  1. I think all the guys will be with the girls this year, from hearing Tony and Stephen talk. Maybe Mom will kick all our butts!

  2. I bet Mom will! She's pretty fit & fiesty!!

  3. It says I made this comment at 5:35 AM, yet I couldn't have seeing as I don't have the internet at home and never am I ever up at 5am!! Perhaps they're on California time!
