Once again, I have been told to update my blog...so, Mom, this one's for you!!!
Hmm...where do I start? Well, I am working this week and was just told that since the boss isn't here, I am the boss and not to be afraid to make changes or step on people's toes! It's a good thing seeing as how I want to move up in the company & I feel like I am getting a chance to shine right now. Although now I have to come up with ways to be more effective within a week! It's ok, I like challenges!!!
Christmas was wonderful at the Voirol household. This was the first year Jess & I actually got each other gifts, so that was fun. I got him a bunch of boxers (among other things) which he laughed at and said was "such a Dad gift". Jack said he liked his presents and LOVES Christmas, so I think he's happy. He's currently obsessed with his new Bumblebee arm, his automatic Nerf guns and his Monster truck. The other day when we got home he said he had missed his Bumblebee arm! It was so cute!
Christmas at the In-laws and my parents' house was also good. Lots of good presents and especially good company!!! I love spending time with the family!!!
Jack and I went to Brownstown on Saturday with my parents to visit my grandparents. They seemed to be doing well, except I'm not sure they knew Friday was Christmas!! I guess it's just another day for some! Visiting with them was great and Jack was SUPER good at their house and at the 2 restaurants we went to that day, so I was a happy camper! (Bribery works wonders with small children!)
My brother turned 27 today! I feel like we're all getting so old!! I still don't feel like I'm 25!! More like 21....minus the partying! I am glad that he is fairly untouched from his accident a couple weeks ago (considering it could've been MUCH worse). It's good to have him around. Meddling in his personal life is also fun for me!
Tomorrow we are having another Voirol Christmas at our house just for fun. A few more presents (I still have to get!) and fun times with our cousin, Allen. We like to stretch the holiday out for as long as possible!!!
I'll try to blog more often, but as you all know, life gets in the way!!!
For now, those are my AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Stay tuned & Merry Christmas!!!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My Hangover Cure
For those who have a hangover at work....(the 2 people that I know read this probably never have a hangover at work, but just in case....):
Here's what I do, actually I did it today becaues I was severely hungover from having fun last night!
~Even though you won't want to get up..DO IT! If you don't, you will just end up laying in bed worrying about work and feeling crappy all day.
~Immediately down atleast 1 glass of water and (only) 2 excedrin (or whatever you take) extra strength.
~Take a shower. You won't want to, but trust me, it helps a lot. Cold showers are better than hot, but whatever strikes your fancy. If you fail to shower, you will reek like you were out drinking all night and even though you were, you DO NOT want your boss and co-workers to know.
~Brush you teeth, but if you're feeling nauseaus (sp?) abstain from brushing your tongue (that is, if you normally brush it). Your gag reflex is not ready for that so early in the day after such a night!
~Take the time to get ready for work like you do every other day. If you do not take this time, it will be noticed and your cover will be blown.
~If you do not feel ANY better or perky by now, when you get to work (as long as all the steps have been taken), tell everyone you simply do not feel good. This works as a cover in case later in the day you are caught with your head on your desk or you end up puking.
~Drink another glass/bottle of water when you arrive at work.
~After said glass/bottle, drink whatever you choose (coffee, pop, etc...)
~At lunch, if you tan or aren't against tanning, go. This always helps me feel better. I feel as though I sweat out some more alcohol & you can nap while getting nice & bronzed!!! (Make sure you bring deodorant, lotion, etc...so you don't smell sweaty when you get back to work).
~For lunch, eat whatever you can stomach, but make sure it's some sort of fast food. The greasier the better and by lunchtime you should be able to stomach something. I like a Subway sub and cherry coke or a nice double cheeseburger meal with a diet coke. (I ate the latter today for lunch and I feel great!)
~after you wat lunch and finish whatever your drink was for lunch, drink more water.
~By now you should feel somewhat normal & probably just a bit tired. If you don't, you probably already gave up and went home sick.
~Finish your work day staying hydrated and always lean on the not feeling good thing.
~After work, go home and chill out. Drink water. Go to bed early. And next time you want to drink or go out on a night when you have to work the next morning, remember today and how crappy you felt. It'll stop you for atleast a week from doing it again!
Hope this helped!
Stay tuned for maore AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Here's what I do, actually I did it today becaues I was severely hungover from having fun last night!
~Even though you won't want to get up..DO IT! If you don't, you will just end up laying in bed worrying about work and feeling crappy all day.
~Immediately down atleast 1 glass of water and (only) 2 excedrin (or whatever you take) extra strength.
~Take a shower. You won't want to, but trust me, it helps a lot. Cold showers are better than hot, but whatever strikes your fancy. If you fail to shower, you will reek like you were out drinking all night and even though you were, you DO NOT want your boss and co-workers to know.
~Brush you teeth, but if you're feeling nauseaus (sp?) abstain from brushing your tongue (that is, if you normally brush it). Your gag reflex is not ready for that so early in the day after such a night!
~Take the time to get ready for work like you do every other day. If you do not take this time, it will be noticed and your cover will be blown.
~If you do not feel ANY better or perky by now, when you get to work (as long as all the steps have been taken), tell everyone you simply do not feel good. This works as a cover in case later in the day you are caught with your head on your desk or you end up puking.
~Drink another glass/bottle of water when you arrive at work.
~After said glass/bottle, drink whatever you choose (coffee, pop, etc...)
~At lunch, if you tan or aren't against tanning, go. This always helps me feel better. I feel as though I sweat out some more alcohol & you can nap while getting nice & bronzed!!! (Make sure you bring deodorant, lotion, etc...so you don't smell sweaty when you get back to work).
~For lunch, eat whatever you can stomach, but make sure it's some sort of fast food. The greasier the better and by lunchtime you should be able to stomach something. I like a Subway sub and cherry coke or a nice double cheeseburger meal with a diet coke. (I ate the latter today for lunch and I feel great!)
~after you wat lunch and finish whatever your drink was for lunch, drink more water.
~By now you should feel somewhat normal & probably just a bit tired. If you don't, you probably already gave up and went home sick.
~Finish your work day staying hydrated and always lean on the not feeling good thing.
~After work, go home and chill out. Drink water. Go to bed early. And next time you want to drink or go out on a night when you have to work the next morning, remember today and how crappy you felt. It'll stop you for atleast a week from doing it again!
Hope this helped!
Stay tuned for maore AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Friday, September 25, 2009
What would it cost to make the world a better place?
When you are stuck in a work environment with a negative person who is not ever nice to anyone in the workplace and you must work with this person to get the job done, what do you do?
In my life, I typically avoid negative people. The problem is: I have to work with a negative person on a daily basis to get my job done accurately. So, what do I do? I do not know the answer to this question. I have been avoiding this person unless I have to work with them or ask them a question. Just today I asked him a question and he immediately snapped at me because he was working on something. Ok, we were on an intercom from my office to his office from which we cannot see each other, so how am I supposed to know he is working on something he cannot get away from at that moment? If he had not snapped at me and just told me he was busy please give him a minute, I would have been happy to comply. Alas, he did not, he just snapped at me for bugging him when in fact I had a question about the exact thing he happened to be working on at the time. hmmm...
I always reply to his negativity with positivity because I believe it is contagious. I am coming to the end of my rope however of being nice and cordial with him because he pisses me off every time I speak with him!
I sit here and bitch and moan about it and say "I won't put up with it" and yet I am also sitting here thinking, "yes, I will. I will put up with it to get the job done & I am going to continue to be cordial and yes, even positive because that is who I am."
I guess I just don't understand why some people are so negative all the time. Ok, so you hate your life or current life situation or maybe even your job. 1: Is this MY fault? 2: If you don't like your current situation; CHANGE IT!
Easier said than done, I know, but this is what I struggle with on a daily basis whether it be about some big issue in my life or something small like always having a dirty house. I, along with all other people in the universe deal with many uncomfortable, not-so-perfect situations in our lives on a daily basis. Wouldn't the world be such a better place if we could all be nice to one another? I think it would. And what would it hurt?...NOTHING! And what would it cost?... NOTHING!
Maybe I am delusional, but I truely believe everyone could be nice to each other and more understanding and we could all live in a better world! Oh well, I can't change everyone, so I guess I'll just work on myself!!
Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
When you are stuck in a work environment with a negative person who is not ever nice to anyone in the workplace and you must work with this person to get the job done, what do you do?
In my life, I typically avoid negative people. The problem is: I have to work with a negative person on a daily basis to get my job done accurately. So, what do I do? I do not know the answer to this question. I have been avoiding this person unless I have to work with them or ask them a question. Just today I asked him a question and he immediately snapped at me because he was working on something. Ok, we were on an intercom from my office to his office from which we cannot see each other, so how am I supposed to know he is working on something he cannot get away from at that moment? If he had not snapped at me and just told me he was busy please give him a minute, I would have been happy to comply. Alas, he did not, he just snapped at me for bugging him when in fact I had a question about the exact thing he happened to be working on at the time. hmmm...
I always reply to his negativity with positivity because I believe it is contagious. I am coming to the end of my rope however of being nice and cordial with him because he pisses me off every time I speak with him!
I sit here and bitch and moan about it and say "I won't put up with it" and yet I am also sitting here thinking, "yes, I will. I will put up with it to get the job done & I am going to continue to be cordial and yes, even positive because that is who I am."
I guess I just don't understand why some people are so negative all the time. Ok, so you hate your life or current life situation or maybe even your job. 1: Is this MY fault? 2: If you don't like your current situation; CHANGE IT!
Easier said than done, I know, but this is what I struggle with on a daily basis whether it be about some big issue in my life or something small like always having a dirty house. I, along with all other people in the universe deal with many uncomfortable, not-so-perfect situations in our lives on a daily basis. Wouldn't the world be such a better place if we could all be nice to one another? I think it would. And what would it hurt?...NOTHING! And what would it cost?... NOTHING!
Maybe I am delusional, but I truely believe everyone could be nice to each other and more understanding and we could all live in a better world! Oh well, I can't change everyone, so I guess I'll just work on myself!!
Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Monday, September 21, 2009
My extra "senses"
When did I lose my sense of "I am bound for greatness" and how did I get it back? This is the question that has been distracting me all day.
My sense that I am bound for greatness (in one way or the other) has always been with me. Not taught to me necessarily or ingrained in me by anyone. Just there. Identical to the sense that I have always had that there is a God and He is worth worshiping and He does everything for a reason. I call these "senses" because they are to me. They are just like my sense of touch, taste, etc..they are a part of me.
These two things I have known ever sense I can remember and probably before that. But somewhere along the way, I lost the "I am bound for greatness" sense for awhile. I believe it all started right before I got pregnant. At that point, I was only living life to have fun for the moment and get drunk. Then I got pregnant and had my son, Jack. Best thing by far that has ever happened to me. After Jack's birth, I started to live my life for him. But if you think about it, part of "living your life for your child" is so you don't feel like a failure. So really, I was still only living my life for me. After Jack, I got a new job and a new close friend who is very self-absorbed. No offense, I love her to death, but she is. I started to live this way as well. Then came the wedding. Obviously, a wedding is one of the premiere self-absorbed events in a woman's life. My life became more and more about me and my wants than anyone else's.
How did I get it back?....that's a tougher question to answer. Throughout the past 5 years I have had a sense I need to help people and do great things, but I never really cared, I guess. That's all I can figure out. All of a sudden, I started to hear dozens of people say, "Live your dreams" & "Life is so short". I'm sure people didn't just start saying this more often, God must have tuned me in so I could actually hear it. I need to live my life for others. That is what I am here for. Whether it be making people happy through some sort of entertainment (acting, film-making, writing) or volunteering or working for a non-profit, this is why I'm here.
Of course I want Jack to have a very wonderful and successful life. But how much better could his life be if he is led by me to love & trust in God and help others with your talents & abilities. I believe this is the best way to raise your children. (Just my opinion).
As I've said before, I haven't even come close to working out the details, but just knowing these facts (to me they are fact) gives one a certain piece of mind. It does me anyways!
I just feel compelled to tell others. Even if you aren't exactly where you want to be in life right now, it doesn't mean you can't get there. I have often felt "stuck" in my current situation, but if you are passionate about something, never give up. If you feel compelled to do something or make a statement, do it or say it without worrying about what others may say or think.
That's all for now.
Just a few "words of wisdom" from a not-so-wise gal!!
My sense that I am bound for greatness (in one way or the other) has always been with me. Not taught to me necessarily or ingrained in me by anyone. Just there. Identical to the sense that I have always had that there is a God and He is worth worshiping and He does everything for a reason. I call these "senses" because they are to me. They are just like my sense of touch, taste, etc..they are a part of me.
These two things I have known ever sense I can remember and probably before that. But somewhere along the way, I lost the "I am bound for greatness" sense for awhile. I believe it all started right before I got pregnant. At that point, I was only living life to have fun for the moment and get drunk. Then I got pregnant and had my son, Jack. Best thing by far that has ever happened to me. After Jack's birth, I started to live my life for him. But if you think about it, part of "living your life for your child" is so you don't feel like a failure. So really, I was still only living my life for me. After Jack, I got a new job and a new close friend who is very self-absorbed. No offense, I love her to death, but she is. I started to live this way as well. Then came the wedding. Obviously, a wedding is one of the premiere self-absorbed events in a woman's life. My life became more and more about me and my wants than anyone else's.
How did I get it back?....that's a tougher question to answer. Throughout the past 5 years I have had a sense I need to help people and do great things, but I never really cared, I guess. That's all I can figure out. All of a sudden, I started to hear dozens of people say, "Live your dreams" & "Life is so short". I'm sure people didn't just start saying this more often, God must have tuned me in so I could actually hear it. I need to live my life for others. That is what I am here for. Whether it be making people happy through some sort of entertainment (acting, film-making, writing) or volunteering or working for a non-profit, this is why I'm here.
Of course I want Jack to have a very wonderful and successful life. But how much better could his life be if he is led by me to love & trust in God and help others with your talents & abilities. I believe this is the best way to raise your children. (Just my opinion).
As I've said before, I haven't even come close to working out the details, but just knowing these facts (to me they are fact) gives one a certain piece of mind. It does me anyways!
I just feel compelled to tell others. Even if you aren't exactly where you want to be in life right now, it doesn't mean you can't get there. I have often felt "stuck" in my current situation, but if you are passionate about something, never give up. If you feel compelled to do something or make a statement, do it or say it without worrying about what others may say or think.
That's all for now.
Just a few "words of wisdom" from a not-so-wise gal!!
life is too short, live your dreams
So....Go Colts! They are playing the dolphins tonight, so I think they should win! I can't watch the game though because I am too far behind in my choreography for Annie! (i.e. haven't started it yet & am starting to teach it on Saturday!)
Oh, I have been thinking way too much lately!! In the past 3 days I have heard many people say "life is too short, live your dreams" whether it was on tv, radio or in person. So, I have been thinking, "what are my dreams?" I've only come up with one conclusion, that being, I want to change the world. I know, sounds like a pretty big order! All my life I have felt I had some sort of big thing planned for me and I would change the world, and yet, here I am sitting in Fort Wayne, IN not doing what I love or like to do! Definitely not affecting the world in any big way. So, I spoke with Jess and we have devised a 'rough-draft' of a plan to do what we want to do. It involves a big move to a much larger city (not sure which one yet) and a leap off a bridge into an unknown abyss! Meaning, we would have no "careers" set up in that city and would have jobs while following our dreams. I'm still not sure even what genre my big part in the world will be.. acting, volunteering, etc...but I don't see it happening here where I am today.
Wherever and whatever I end up doing, I am bound for greatness, I do know that. But sometimes you can't wait for greatness to find you, you must seek it and find it yourself. I hope whenever it happens the world is ready for me! It's gonna be great!!
There's plenty of AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS to come!
Oh, I have been thinking way too much lately!! In the past 3 days I have heard many people say "life is too short, live your dreams" whether it was on tv, radio or in person. So, I have been thinking, "what are my dreams?" I've only come up with one conclusion, that being, I want to change the world. I know, sounds like a pretty big order! All my life I have felt I had some sort of big thing planned for me and I would change the world, and yet, here I am sitting in Fort Wayne, IN not doing what I love or like to do! Definitely not affecting the world in any big way. So, I spoke with Jess and we have devised a 'rough-draft' of a plan to do what we want to do. It involves a big move to a much larger city (not sure which one yet) and a leap off a bridge into an unknown abyss! Meaning, we would have no "careers" set up in that city and would have jobs while following our dreams. I'm still not sure even what genre my big part in the world will be.. acting, volunteering, etc...but I don't see it happening here where I am today.
Wherever and whatever I end up doing, I am bound for greatness, I do know that. But sometimes you can't wait for greatness to find you, you must seek it and find it yourself. I hope whenever it happens the world is ready for me! It's gonna be great!!
There's plenty of AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS to come!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Are you ready for some football?!
As we all know (or should know by now), the glorious football season is upon us!
I am a fan of football and really enjoy watching it although I do not know all the players names on all of my teams or the coaches names or the plays. I just enjoy it when my team wins! I do know a bit because I was a cheerleader in high school, so I had to know a little bit!
Just for the record, my teams are:
Colts(Indiana born & raised)
Packers (just love them)
New England Patriots (Tom Brady)
New York Giants (for Eli, whom I have followed since his college years)
Cowboys (always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader!)
I know these teams don't "jive" with one another or whatever, I have been told that several times by my husband, but they are my teams! And this is the order of them also. Just in case they ever play one another.
I am trying to learn more and more each week about this beloved game and I even participated in a no rules game of flag football this weekend with the family. A game I hope turns into a weekly ritual! I think rules may need to be set in place and a parent may need to referee for the sake of our relationships though! My sister and I get pretty hardcore when competing against one another!
Have to say, WAR EAGLE! Auburn U won this weekend and good job Rodgers and the rest of the Packers! (Or thank you to Jay Cutler of the Bears!)
If I learn anything interesting/new, I'll be around all season to share with you!!
Stay tuned for more Amazing Adventures!!!
I am a fan of football and really enjoy watching it although I do not know all the players names on all of my teams or the coaches names or the plays. I just enjoy it when my team wins! I do know a bit because I was a cheerleader in high school, so I had to know a little bit!
Just for the record, my teams are:
Colts(Indiana born & raised)
Packers (just love them)
New England Patriots (Tom Brady)
New York Giants (for Eli, whom I have followed since his college years)
Cowboys (always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader!)
I know these teams don't "jive" with one another or whatever, I have been told that several times by my husband, but they are my teams! And this is the order of them also. Just in case they ever play one another.
I am trying to learn more and more each week about this beloved game and I even participated in a no rules game of flag football this weekend with the family. A game I hope turns into a weekly ritual! I think rules may need to be set in place and a parent may need to referee for the sake of our relationships though! My sister and I get pretty hardcore when competing against one another!
Have to say, WAR EAGLE! Auburn U won this weekend and good job Rodgers and the rest of the Packers! (Or thank you to Jay Cutler of the Bears!)
If I learn anything interesting/new, I'll be around all season to share with you!!
Stay tuned for more Amazing Adventures!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Sun'll Come Out-Tomorrow!
Just finished my reconstruction of my departments payroll. I was going to ask for a raise today but my boss decided not to come in. It'll have to wait until Monday!
I am so totally stoked for the weekend! Not because I have big plans, but I just am so tired of work right now I could throw up. It is getting more and more stressful by the day!
Tonight, Jack & I are going for a walk and taking his dog, Chuck with us. That should be exciting! Yesterday he walked 5 whole blocks before sitting down and stating that "Walking is hard Momma." Also, last night, he put on one of Jess's shirts and asked me to button it up. He then told me he was going to work at Dada's work, Bob Evans. Then he said he was going to be a cook there. Then, he went into the dining room, faced the wall and started to ""cook". It was so damn adorable! I wish I had a video camera!
Did I mention I cannot wait until 5:00?!
I leave work early today to attend and help with the call backs for Memorial Park's 'Annie'. I'm pretty excited! I am doing the choreography for said production and I get to help cast it! It is a very nice "break" from my normal routine and I get to leave work early for it! YAY!
I can't believe September is almost half over! My goodness, where does the time go?! It's so hard to get day to day things done and still have time to enjoy life! Lucky for me, I prioritize and sometimes enjoy life before the day-to-day stuff! You have to do that just to stay energized!
Well, that's all for now folks...Stay tuned for more AmAzInG (or not-so-amazing, but still somewhat interesting) AdVeNtUrEs!!
I am so totally stoked for the weekend! Not because I have big plans, but I just am so tired of work right now I could throw up. It is getting more and more stressful by the day!
Tonight, Jack & I are going for a walk and taking his dog, Chuck with us. That should be exciting! Yesterday he walked 5 whole blocks before sitting down and stating that "Walking is hard Momma." Also, last night, he put on one of Jess's shirts and asked me to button it up. He then told me he was going to work at Dada's work, Bob Evans. Then he said he was going to be a cook there. Then, he went into the dining room, faced the wall and started to ""cook". It was so damn adorable! I wish I had a video camera!
Did I mention I cannot wait until 5:00?!
I leave work early today to attend and help with the call backs for Memorial Park's 'Annie'. I'm pretty excited! I am doing the choreography for said production and I get to help cast it! It is a very nice "break" from my normal routine and I get to leave work early for it! YAY!
I can't believe September is almost half over! My goodness, where does the time go?! It's so hard to get day to day things done and still have time to enjoy life! Lucky for me, I prioritize and sometimes enjoy life before the day-to-day stuff! You have to do that just to stay energized!
Well, that's all for now folks...Stay tuned for more AmAzInG (or not-so-amazing, but still somewhat interesting) AdVeNtUrEs!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
LiFe Is GoOd!!
I've officially been married for 1 month! Yay! It's awesome and very fun! I am not "officially" Mrs. Voirol yet because the social security office is open 8-4:30 on weekdays and that's when I work:( I'll have to be "sick" one day just to change my name! You know you have to send your marriage license to change your passport?! Scary! You can't use a copy! I hated when I had to send my birth certificate to get my passport originally. And now I can't find my birth certificate! FYI-if you have a lockbox, I suggest you actually USE it!
We have decided to hold off on the baby making for a couple-few more years. We have a lot we want to do and accomplish before we have another baby. We'd like to save up more money & I;d like to be atleast a done with my sophmore year in college. Maybe even more! We are quite content with our family the way it is now (even though we could stand to get rid of a dog or two!)
I am starting back at college in the spring part-time. This is because I have to pay for these 2 classes and I will once again be eligible for financial aid through IPFW. Also, I will still be working and I still have Jack so, I think 2 will be enough! After that, the plan is to get financial aid and tough out a fulltime work schedule with 12 credit hours for atleast a year. Then I will probably cosider just going to school and being a mom for awhile. Jess and I have gotten used to a lifestyle that we're not quite ready to quit yet! (i.e. having extra money to spend on fun stuff and not having to worry about the bills!) We will start to live more on a budget though so the transition will be easier whenever we need to go down to one income.
I am also hoping to fix up our house so we are happy with it, then sell it or rent it and get a bigger one. I am getting quite handy around my home! Labor day weekend I plan to remove a sink/cabinet and install a new one so, if anyone wants to come over, let me know! I will provide food and alcohol if you want!!
These are the things we want to accomplish before we have another child. We are in the process of sharing with one another our 5 year plans and fitting them together to make it work! Jess of course, wants to focus on his book more and I am all for that! The sooner he and Allen get published the sooner he can just stay at home with Jack and write! Yay!
I am so happy to be where I am in life and to have the wonderful friends and family I do to support me and help me through my fabulous life!!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!
We have decided to hold off on the baby making for a couple-few more years. We have a lot we want to do and accomplish before we have another baby. We'd like to save up more money & I;d like to be atleast a done with my sophmore year in college. Maybe even more! We are quite content with our family the way it is now (even though we could stand to get rid of a dog or two!)
I am starting back at college in the spring part-time. This is because I have to pay for these 2 classes and I will once again be eligible for financial aid through IPFW. Also, I will still be working and I still have Jack so, I think 2 will be enough! After that, the plan is to get financial aid and tough out a fulltime work schedule with 12 credit hours for atleast a year. Then I will probably cosider just going to school and being a mom for awhile. Jess and I have gotten used to a lifestyle that we're not quite ready to quit yet! (i.e. having extra money to spend on fun stuff and not having to worry about the bills!) We will start to live more on a budget though so the transition will be easier whenever we need to go down to one income.
I am also hoping to fix up our house so we are happy with it, then sell it or rent it and get a bigger one. I am getting quite handy around my home! Labor day weekend I plan to remove a sink/cabinet and install a new one so, if anyone wants to come over, let me know! I will provide food and alcohol if you want!!
These are the things we want to accomplish before we have another child. We are in the process of sharing with one another our 5 year plans and fitting them together to make it work! Jess of course, wants to focus on his book more and I am all for that! The sooner he and Allen get published the sooner he can just stay at home with Jack and write! Yay!
I am so happy to be where I am in life and to have the wonderful friends and family I do to support me and help me through my fabulous life!!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
To me, the word "trying/try" is negative. Here's why...
When someone tells me they're trying to do something, I don't believe they're even making an effort. Example: If I say I am trying to quit smoking. ..No, I'm not. I am working on quitting smoking. In the second statement, I have stated I am taking steps to do that action. I understand "trying" could be seen the same way, but think about it. Whenever you say you're trying to do something, how often does it really get done?
So, I am working on quitting smoking. I'm not going to try, I am doing it.
That's all!!
Stay tuned for more Amazing Adventures and Antics!!
~Sarah VOIROL!!!
When someone tells me they're trying to do something, I don't believe they're even making an effort. Example: If I say I am trying to quit smoking. ..No, I'm not. I am working on quitting smoking. In the second statement, I have stated I am taking steps to do that action. I understand "trying" could be seen the same way, but think about it. Whenever you say you're trying to do something, how often does it really get done?
So, I am working on quitting smoking. I'm not going to try, I am doing it.
That's all!!
Stay tuned for more Amazing Adventures and Antics!!
~Sarah VOIROL!!!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Second chances
People are funny. Most people when they run into hard times or "issues" tend to run towards the people that are there. Rather than the people who have been there for them (or ARE there for them). Then typical people go with the people that are "there" for a while until a few months or years have gone by and they realize they still are not happy and they made some wrong choices. After finally realizing this, these people try to re-connect with the people that were actually there for them at all times (those whom they abandoned however long ago). I am currently in this situation and am having difficulty figuring out what to do. I have been on both sides of this coin, most recently I am on the "I was there for them and they want me back" side, but in the past I have (many times) been on the flip side. So I ask you, what do I do? The person I am referring to totally DESTROYED the bridge she built with me. She was my assistant and quit in the same week she had a deadline to get a bridesmaid dress for my wedding and failed to subsequently kicking herself out of my wedding. It has been only a few months now and I am still very hurt/disappointed in her. I do not know what to do. Now, she wants to come back and work for me again (not gonna happen b/c she's been replaced; but she wants to atleast come back to the company) and she is trying to befriend me via text messages and voicemails. What do I do? In my opinion, she does not deserve a second chance. Mind you, I gave her several chances when she should have been fired while working for me as well as several chances in our friendship. But...everyone deserves a second chance, right? I feel as though so many people have given me a second chance so many times I should be the first one to offer it up. I just don't want to get hurt/disappointed again. This person had a big role in my life for over a year and totally flipped it on me. (and yes, she DID file for unemployment. She said she got fired. AND she was granted it!) So, I need your help. Second chance or no? Comments would be greatly appreciated!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
I am slowly going crazy...
13 days until my BIG day!! This is getting ridiculous! I cannot sit at my desk and work! I have 8 working days left before I get off for my wedding and I still cannot concentrate! I am looking up wedding advice, how to focus on work right now, everything!! I DO NOT know how I will get through the next 2 weeks!! Oh my goodness. I am sick of myself talking about it and thinking about it ALL the time, but I can't help it! I want to have all my meetings now, finish my programs tonight and get married tomorrow!!! I just can't wait! This is ridiculous. I don't know how to concentrate or how to stay sane!!
I am so excited for all the family that will be coming from all over too! I think when all the cousins are graduated and married in the next few years we will have to start making up reasons to go visit one another once a year! So far, it has worked out pretty well for us! I guess at least one of us will have to have a baby every year! haha.
I cannot focus....
It kind of sucks....
If you have any good advice on how I can stay sane, it would be greatly appreciated. At home I can clean and find other things to do, so I just need advice on how to focus at work PLEASE!!!
Anyways...thanks for reading! More Amazing Adventures to come!!!
I am so excited for all the family that will be coming from all over too! I think when all the cousins are graduated and married in the next few years we will have to start making up reasons to go visit one another once a year! So far, it has worked out pretty well for us! I guess at least one of us will have to have a baby every year! haha.
I cannot focus....
It kind of sucks....
If you have any good advice on how I can stay sane, it would be greatly appreciated. At home I can clean and find other things to do, so I just need advice on how to focus at work PLEASE!!!
Anyways...thanks for reading! More Amazing Adventures to come!!!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Yes, I am THAT girl!
17 days till my wedding! YES! I AM "that" girl who cannot stop thinking, talking, BREATHING about my wedding!! So if you don't want to hear it, you may want to not talk to me until after July 25th!!
There. You have been warned!!
On a side note, I have been thinking about getting a new house lately...I really want one. I know it's probably 4-5 years down the road, but if we really want it to happen we have to start planning it now! I want a 2 story with a basement<- (that has no problems) with wood flooring. Atleast 4 bedrooms because we're having atleast one more child and we need an office. 5 bedrooms would be nice too though! I plan on buying "used" as opposed to new because I like older houses better and they are cheaper. Hopefully we can find a nice house in a surrounding town so Jess and I can keep our same jobs and just have a longer commute. Definately NOT in Fort Wayne though! A big yard is a must with an area that's fenced in of course. It get me excited just thinking about the possibilities and the fact that if we start planning now we can do it in like, 4 years!
I have also decided that although we have already outgrown our current house we are going to go ahead with the plan of not preventing getting pregnant starting on our honeymoon! EXCITING!! We have a spare room right now so we could fit another member into our family. We definately need to PURGE some major stuff to accomplish that, but I guess that's the great thing about being pregnant is that you WANT to do those kinds of things! (Nesting mode)
So many life changes to think about!
Stay tuned for many more AmaZIng ADveNTurES!!!
There. You have been warned!!
On a side note, I have been thinking about getting a new house lately...I really want one. I know it's probably 4-5 years down the road, but if we really want it to happen we have to start planning it now! I want a 2 story with a basement<- (that has no problems) with wood flooring. Atleast 4 bedrooms because we're having atleast one more child and we need an office. 5 bedrooms would be nice too though! I plan on buying "used" as opposed to new because I like older houses better and they are cheaper. Hopefully we can find a nice house in a surrounding town so Jess and I can keep our same jobs and just have a longer commute. Definately NOT in Fort Wayne though! A big yard is a must with an area that's fenced in of course. It get me excited just thinking about the possibilities and the fact that if we start planning now we can do it in like, 4 years!
I have also decided that although we have already outgrown our current house we are going to go ahead with the plan of not preventing getting pregnant starting on our honeymoon! EXCITING!! We have a spare room right now so we could fit another member into our family. We definately need to PURGE some major stuff to accomplish that, but I guess that's the great thing about being pregnant is that you WANT to do those kinds of things! (Nesting mode)
So many life changes to think about!
Stay tuned for many more AmaZIng ADveNTurES!!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I need a time machine!!!
Just dropping by to say hello...
I need a time machine to transport myself to the 23rd...or maybe the 22nd since I get my facial that day. I am WAY too anxious and excited for my wedding week/honeymoon!
I got to go to the spa on Saturday for the first time thanks to my bridesmaid Kari! :) It was AWESOME!!! I really did feel like a new woman when I walked out! Every girl should get a facial and massage at some point and brides should get a facial a couple days before their wedding. I felt SO pretty afterwards even without make-up!
We got rid of both puppies already...it was a little early but we had to get rid of them..Jess and I were getting no sleep and Bella was miserable. They are in very loving and caring homes now so I know they will be well taken care of! Back to somewhat normal life at the house, although Jack asks about the puppies quite a bit..hopefully he'll forget soon?!
I love my family...my sister and mom had a really great family bridal shower for me on Sunday in southern Indiana and although only us and 3 other people were there it was great because I haven't seen those ladies in a long time and I love them so much! Also my grandma and great aunt can't make it to the wedding so I got to celebrate with them there! Johnny Carino's... YUMMY!! Their spicy garlic tilapia is SO GOOD!!! The server was excellent too and my sister and mom said he "liked" me. They said they could tell because I asked him to take a picture with me and apparently the look on his face was an excited one!
Life is going great and I appreciate all the people that are with me for the ride and helping along the way!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
P.S.-I have a few words in here that are underlined like they're misspelled but I really don't care and don't want to figure out the right spelling/grammer, so sorry! :)
Just dropping by to say hello...
I need a time machine to transport myself to the 23rd...or maybe the 22nd since I get my facial that day. I am WAY too anxious and excited for my wedding week/honeymoon!
I got to go to the spa on Saturday for the first time thanks to my bridesmaid Kari! :) It was AWESOME!!! I really did feel like a new woman when I walked out! Every girl should get a facial and massage at some point and brides should get a facial a couple days before their wedding. I felt SO pretty afterwards even without make-up!
We got rid of both puppies already...it was a little early but we had to get rid of them..Jess and I were getting no sleep and Bella was miserable. They are in very loving and caring homes now so I know they will be well taken care of! Back to somewhat normal life at the house, although Jack asks about the puppies quite a bit..hopefully he'll forget soon?!
I love my family...my sister and mom had a really great family bridal shower for me on Sunday in southern Indiana and although only us and 3 other people were there it was great because I haven't seen those ladies in a long time and I love them so much! Also my grandma and great aunt can't make it to the wedding so I got to celebrate with them there! Johnny Carino's... YUMMY!! Their spicy garlic tilapia is SO GOOD!!! The server was excellent too and my sister and mom said he "liked" me. They said they could tell because I asked him to take a picture with me and apparently the look on his face was an excited one!
Life is going great and I appreciate all the people that are with me for the ride and helping along the way!
Stay tuned for more AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
P.S.-I have a few words in here that are underlined like they're misspelled but I really don't care and don't want to figure out the right spelling/grammer, so sorry! :)
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Here comes the bride!
I am so excited for my wedding! YAY! I am also excited for all the people I know who are also having weddings this summer! It's seems like a lot of people are getting married this year, but then again it's just like when you get a new car & you start seeing that car everywhere. I guess I am just more aware!
Family, friends, fun times & becoming Mrs. Jess Edward Voirol...what more could I ask for?!
I guess stress is the best diet because I lost 5 pounds in the past few weeks! I had been trying to follow a diet, but I cheated everyday so I didn't think it would work, but it did! Also, I now am starting a no white-carb, 1 pop a day diet which will become no pop 2 weeks before the wedding. Exercise might make it's way in there too if I find the time! I just want to feel healthy and good about myself for the wedding. The diet is more for my self-esteem than actually thinking anything will drastically change in my body over the next month! (I'm a realist)
So, I guess the cat's out of the bag, so to speak, because we were trying to keep it a secret that our dog Bella had puppies (for the 3rd time!), but my mom was at my house the other night and Jack told her! Damn 2 year olds can't keep a secret to save their lives! Anyways...Bella did have 2 puppies 3 weeks ago. 1 boy & 1 girl. We play with them daily because Jack is old enough and aware enough to remember they are at our house. Jack decided to call them 'Momma" & "Dada" after I told him they were a boy and a girl. We continue to explain to him that they ARE NOT staying at our house and we're holding them until they get old enough to go to their homes (we've already given both away), but I am still afraid (and expecting) withdrawl when they go.
Well, that's all folks! I am so pumped for July 25th it's ridiculous and I wish it would just get here already!!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
I am so excited for my wedding! YAY! I am also excited for all the people I know who are also having weddings this summer! It's seems like a lot of people are getting married this year, but then again it's just like when you get a new car & you start seeing that car everywhere. I guess I am just more aware!
Family, friends, fun times & becoming Mrs. Jess Edward Voirol...what more could I ask for?!
I guess stress is the best diet because I lost 5 pounds in the past few weeks! I had been trying to follow a diet, but I cheated everyday so I didn't think it would work, but it did! Also, I now am starting a no white-carb, 1 pop a day diet which will become no pop 2 weeks before the wedding. Exercise might make it's way in there too if I find the time! I just want to feel healthy and good about myself for the wedding. The diet is more for my self-esteem than actually thinking anything will drastically change in my body over the next month! (I'm a realist)
So, I guess the cat's out of the bag, so to speak, because we were trying to keep it a secret that our dog Bella had puppies (for the 3rd time!), but my mom was at my house the other night and Jack told her! Damn 2 year olds can't keep a secret to save their lives! Anyways...Bella did have 2 puppies 3 weeks ago. 1 boy & 1 girl. We play with them daily because Jack is old enough and aware enough to remember they are at our house. Jack decided to call them 'Momma" & "Dada" after I told him they were a boy and a girl. We continue to explain to him that they ARE NOT staying at our house and we're holding them until they get old enough to go to their homes (we've already given both away), but I am still afraid (and expecting) withdrawl when they go.
Well, that's all folks! I am so pumped for July 25th it's ridiculous and I wish it would just get here already!!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Fun times!
Planning....(39 days!!)
Sick kid who pooped all over me and my house last night....(eeww!!)
Too busy to talk! Just wanted to drop by and say hello!!
Planning....(39 days!!)
Sick kid who pooped all over me and my house last night....(eeww!!)
Too busy to talk! Just wanted to drop by and say hello!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Random Thoughts
Very promising interview yesterday...a few more this week to go! Hopefully I find the perfect person for the position!
Sending out invites this weekend after they are all done. Very excited! They are a pain in my butt!
I really want to go check out Canal Days in New Haven this week. I hope I have time!
I can't wait for Africa to be open in the zoo! It opens this weekend! SO EXCITED!! I hope it's not too terribly packed whenever I get the chance to take Jack! Beware of the sky ride!! I've never been on it, but I'm quite sure it's a huge liability...what if someone falls out and gets eaten by a lion?!?!?
So much going on I can't even keep my days straight anymore!
Stay tuned for more random thoughts/blogs and AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Sending out invites this weekend after they are all done. Very excited! They are a pain in my butt!
I really want to go check out Canal Days in New Haven this week. I hope I have time!
I can't wait for Africa to be open in the zoo! It opens this weekend! SO EXCITED!! I hope it's not too terribly packed whenever I get the chance to take Jack! Beware of the sky ride!! I've never been on it, but I'm quite sure it's a huge liability...what if someone falls out and gets eaten by a lion?!?!?
So much going on I can't even keep my days straight anymore!
Stay tuned for more random thoughts/blogs and AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Freaking out
So....My assistant quit last Thursday. I am training a new assistant right now which will take 3 weeks. (At least). I still need another one though and I have no idea where to find this person. If you know anyone it's M-F 4-9pm and every other Saturday.
Also, still haven't done the invites...don't really know when that's gonna happen.
My house is a mess.
I have less than 2 months until my wedding.
Life is great.
I am FREAKING OUT right now!!!! (from stress)
It's ok I guess. I would really like to find my other assistant soon so I can combine the training and not have to do the same 3 week training process 2 times right in a row, but...whatev! It's so hard to find the right people for this job, there's just so much that is involved with it and they have to be motivated and trustworthy, reliable, and willing to take direction from a 24 year old. My job is so complicated and I just wish I could clone myself twice so I don't have to make someone else think like I do!!!
Anyways, I am freaking out!!!
Also, still haven't done the invites...don't really know when that's gonna happen.
My house is a mess.
I have less than 2 months until my wedding.
Life is great.
I am FREAKING OUT right now!!!! (from stress)
It's ok I guess. I would really like to find my other assistant soon so I can combine the training and not have to do the same 3 week training process 2 times right in a row, but...whatev! It's so hard to find the right people for this job, there's just so much that is involved with it and they have to be motivated and trustworthy, reliable, and willing to take direction from a 24 year old. My job is so complicated and I just wish I could clone myself twice so I don't have to make someone else think like I do!!!
Anyways, I am freaking out!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
P.S. on a whole other note, I tried to take Jack to a restaurant on Friday with my family....
All I have to say is: Point made.
We will no longer be joining the rest of the family for restaurant outings!
All I have to say is: Point made.
We will no longer be joining the rest of the family for restaurant outings!
Indy 500
I just wanted to say I had the most awesome time at the Indy 500!! I totally recommend it to everyone! At least go one time then make up your mind. Don't judge it before you try it because it's lots of fun!!! Thanks to the Hakels and to them being more experienced so we weren't the yahoos waiting in the same spot for 2 hours after the race!! I had a great time and am really considering getting my own annual tickets!! Hopefully they'd be close to the Hakels!!
That's all!
I just wanted to say I had the most awesome time at the Indy 500!! I totally recommend it to everyone! At least go one time then make up your mind. Don't judge it before you try it because it's lots of fun!!! Thanks to the Hakels and to them being more experienced so we weren't the yahoos waiting in the same spot for 2 hours after the race!! I had a great time and am really considering getting my own annual tickets!! Hopefully they'd be close to the Hakels!!
That's all!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
What a week! (A good one this time!)
I finally have all of my wedding dress "stuff"! YAY! And thanks to Bethie, Mom and Kari for helping me dress, undress and pick out a veil!! I also emailed my flower person the pics of the flowers I want! Yay! I think for the most part I am on track...I still have to call some tent people & I still have to do the dang invitations!! That will fill up mine and my sister's weekend!! (thanks, again!)
WE ARE GOING TO THE RACE ON SUNDAY!! GO SCOTT DIXON!! I decided to root for him because he's cool and Austin (my nephew) roots for him and he won't be there so I'm kind of "representing" for him! YAY FOR THE INDY 500!!!
I'm adding people to my department at work in order to maximize our results...YAY! Today (this week actually) is going much more smoothly than last week. No one should have to work 70 hours in one week..I don't care what you do!
All in all, things are great and just keep getting better!! Thanks for all the support during these last few months...I know I am and for awhile have been "that girl" re: my wedding. You know, that girl that won't shut up about her wedding and that girl who is really annoying because all she talks about is her wedding! But this too shall pass soon enough! I am enjoying being "that girl" for now and if it annoys you, you should probably just not talk to me until August!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!
WE ARE GOING TO THE RACE ON SUNDAY!! GO SCOTT DIXON!! I decided to root for him because he's cool and Austin (my nephew) roots for him and he won't be there so I'm kind of "representing" for him! YAY FOR THE INDY 500!!!
I'm adding people to my department at work in order to maximize our results...YAY! Today (this week actually) is going much more smoothly than last week. No one should have to work 70 hours in one week..I don't care what you do!
All in all, things are great and just keep getting better!! Thanks for all the support during these last few months...I know I am and for awhile have been "that girl" re: my wedding. You know, that girl that won't shut up about her wedding and that girl who is really annoying because all she talks about is her wedding! But this too shall pass soon enough! I am enjoying being "that girl" for now and if it annoys you, you should probably just not talk to me until August!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Restaurant Ramblings
So, I have this rule...actually it's mine and Jess's rule...it's about taking Jack out to restaurants to eat. We don't.
We tried and tried and tried to get him used to restaurants and to behave well but we'd always end up in the car or outside and frustrated and not able to eat, so we stopped taking Jack out to eat for a couple years (we figure). Whenever he can really listen to us (which he can now, but doesn't) and understand a little better why we have to behave where etc.. I think we will start to take him out and teach him how to behave. This sounds strange because I know and some of you know as well that Jack can listen to us now and he understands what we say. When he's threatened with time-out or going to bed, he listens. When he wants something, he listens. But no matter what I try when we're out, he won't listen! So rather than go out to eat, try to teach him the right behavior now, fail, end up frustrated and upset at him as well as him being frustrated and in trouble, we just choose not to even go there. I don't really know if he ever will behave in restaurants, but if he doesn't, he will miss out on many family/friend outings as well as get other priviledges taken away as time goes by.
I think my family thinks I'm crazy! They really try to convince me to take Jack out to restaurants to eat with them like, every week! (my parents mainly). They're trying to convince me that I need to take him out to teach him how to act while he is at a restuarant or he'll never be good there. I'm trying to convince them that I have tried that method more than a few times and failed miserably at it EVERY TIME!! I feel like maybe they don't understand because they didn't have such a bad problem with any of their kids. Yes, they had to teach them to behave in restaurants, but maybe we weren't so "strong willed" and independent.
So, I'm not trying to offend my family or friends when I say no we don't go to restaurants and it's not because of the money issue or anything like that. I have just chosen to spend positive quality time at home with Jack rather than stressful, insane time out at restaurants. Sorry if anyone is offended by it, but I'm doing what I believe to be the best choice for me and my family (& my sanity!).
On a side note, I'd just like to say that when we are in public or at someone's house Jack is very well behaved and listens to me extremely well! (the majority of the time-he's still 2!) I think the whole restaurant thing stems from Jess being ADHD and maybe that having gone down to Jack a little, but that's yet to be determined.
Anyways, here I go rambling again!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!
We tried and tried and tried to get him used to restaurants and to behave well but we'd always end up in the car or outside and frustrated and not able to eat, so we stopped taking Jack out to eat for a couple years (we figure). Whenever he can really listen to us (which he can now, but doesn't) and understand a little better why we have to behave where etc.. I think we will start to take him out and teach him how to behave. This sounds strange because I know and some of you know as well that Jack can listen to us now and he understands what we say. When he's threatened with time-out or going to bed, he listens. When he wants something, he listens. But no matter what I try when we're out, he won't listen! So rather than go out to eat, try to teach him the right behavior now, fail, end up frustrated and upset at him as well as him being frustrated and in trouble, we just choose not to even go there. I don't really know if he ever will behave in restaurants, but if he doesn't, he will miss out on many family/friend outings as well as get other priviledges taken away as time goes by.
I think my family thinks I'm crazy! They really try to convince me to take Jack out to restaurants to eat with them like, every week! (my parents mainly). They're trying to convince me that I need to take him out to teach him how to act while he is at a restuarant or he'll never be good there. I'm trying to convince them that I have tried that method more than a few times and failed miserably at it EVERY TIME!! I feel like maybe they don't understand because they didn't have such a bad problem with any of their kids. Yes, they had to teach them to behave in restaurants, but maybe we weren't so "strong willed" and independent.
So, I'm not trying to offend my family or friends when I say no we don't go to restaurants and it's not because of the money issue or anything like that. I have just chosen to spend positive quality time at home with Jack rather than stressful, insane time out at restaurants. Sorry if anyone is offended by it, but I'm doing what I believe to be the best choice for me and my family (& my sanity!).
On a side note, I'd just like to say that when we are in public or at someone's house Jack is very well behaved and listens to me extremely well! (the majority of the time-he's still 2!) I think the whole restaurant thing stems from Jess being ADHD and maybe that having gone down to Jack a little, but that's yet to be determined.
Anyways, here I go rambling again!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
What a week!
Hola!! What's new?! Here's what's new with me...
My assistant has been ill all week so I have been working 13 hour days..yay me! Oh well, I guess this must be building character in me or something right? It's not that bad...I'm going to take full advantage of her when she gets well and take off early a few days next week. Maybe I'll get some more wedding plans finalized!
I did however have time to go see the new Star Trek movie on Tuesday night...WOW! VERY GOOD MOVIE!! Jess doesn't even like Star Trek and he thought it was amazing. Very well written and very well made. Unbelievable. Probably the best movie I've seen in years! And if you are a Star Trek fan, you'll definately appreciate the old sound effects that stayed the same and seeing how the crew got together in the first place. Really cool!!!
Ok, so I just read the above paragraph and realized I am a complete DORK! But, I love being one so I guess it's ok!! I mean, I love Star Wars, Star Trek, and comic books along with super heroes too so....yeah, I guess I am! On top of that, my fiance is currently writing a comic book. I love being a dork though. It's fun! With me and Jess, Jack is gonna be VERY "cultured" to say the least!
Oh yeah, and for all you smokers out there in Fort Wayne, I found out you can smoke at Dupont Bar and Grill and at The Rusty Spur both located up off of Dupont in Leo Crossing! That was probably one of the highlights of my week! Now I don't have to go to New Haven bars to smoke and drink!
Well, that's about it for now...
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
My assistant has been ill all week so I have been working 13 hour days..yay me! Oh well, I guess this must be building character in me or something right? It's not that bad...I'm going to take full advantage of her when she gets well and take off early a few days next week. Maybe I'll get some more wedding plans finalized!
I did however have time to go see the new Star Trek movie on Tuesday night...WOW! VERY GOOD MOVIE!! Jess doesn't even like Star Trek and he thought it was amazing. Very well written and very well made. Unbelievable. Probably the best movie I've seen in years! And if you are a Star Trek fan, you'll definately appreciate the old sound effects that stayed the same and seeing how the crew got together in the first place. Really cool!!!
Ok, so I just read the above paragraph and realized I am a complete DORK! But, I love being one so I guess it's ok!! I mean, I love Star Wars, Star Trek, and comic books along with super heroes too so....yeah, I guess I am! On top of that, my fiance is currently writing a comic book. I love being a dork though. It's fun! With me and Jess, Jack is gonna be VERY "cultured" to say the least!
Oh yeah, and for all you smokers out there in Fort Wayne, I found out you can smoke at Dupont Bar and Grill and at The Rusty Spur both located up off of Dupont in Leo Crossing! That was probably one of the highlights of my week! Now I don't have to go to New Haven bars to smoke and drink!
Well, that's about it for now...
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday drama!
I am frustrated because I just got a text from my assistant not saying she wouldn't be in to work but only that she was sick all day yesterday and wasn't any better...but I think that means she's not coming in. UGGH!!! So, she got her day off yesterday and I'm supposed to get off early today & I'm not going to be able to. UGH!! Maybe I can work it to my advantage and leave early today while still working via mobile and then get off early tomorrow too!!! I think I'll try that!
Anyways...I really didn't just want to bitch, but I wanted to write something on my blog and I have not much going on other than I've been procrastinating getting my invitations done. Someone else already sent their's out and their wedding isn't until August, so now I look bad!! THANKS!! (you know who you are!)
I'm gonna go work now. The guy from corporate is right next to me in Brent's office so I should probably not screw around much today. He's cool though. Not in my department so he doesn't have to be an a-hole to me!!
Well....Happy Tuesday!
I am frustrated because I just got a text from my assistant not saying she wouldn't be in to work but only that she was sick all day yesterday and wasn't any better...but I think that means she's not coming in. UGGH!!! So, she got her day off yesterday and I'm supposed to get off early today & I'm not going to be able to. UGH!! Maybe I can work it to my advantage and leave early today while still working via mobile and then get off early tomorrow too!!! I think I'll try that!
Anyways...I really didn't just want to bitch, but I wanted to write something on my blog and I have not much going on other than I've been procrastinating getting my invitations done. Someone else already sent their's out and their wedding isn't until August, so now I look bad!! THANKS!! (you know who you are!)
I'm gonna go work now. The guy from corporate is right next to me in Brent's office so I should probably not screw around much today. He's cool though. Not in my department so he doesn't have to be an a-hole to me!!
Well....Happy Tuesday!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
BuSy, BuSy, BuSy!!
So, I bet all of you that actually read this..(all 2)..probably can tell when I have nothing to do at work!! Anyways...
I have tons to do this weekend & I was just thinking about it getting a little overwhelmed..some of you may read this and think I'm stupid and ridiculous because none of the stuff is really important, but it's still a lot to do!!
After work today, I am picking up Jack then going to get my oil change, then after we hang and I put him to bed, I am going to the midnight showing of Wolverine with Jess and our friend, Allen. (I'm going because they always go to those things and they begged me to go this time). Friday, I have to work until 5pm, then my soon-to-be sister-in-law Christina is doing my hair in an updo to try it out for my wedding. After putting Jack to bed when Jess gets home we are driving to Indy so we can be there for the 5K on Saturday. Saturday, I get up at some ungodly hour to go "run" in a 5K that I have not been training for! I'm mainly doing it because my whole family is doing it (excluding my Dad) and I thought it'd be a fun bonding time. Jess is doing it too so that's cool, although he said he was going to run/walk with us girls!! After that I guess all I HAVE to do is make it home and hang with Jack, but I still have to set up a plethora of appointments with people for the wedding and I wanted to take Jack to the zoo and Sunday we always have dinner with my family!
I always thought I thrived when I had a full schedule, but I think I need some time to myself! I normally clean the house on Friday nights so it is clean for me over the weekend, and I won't be able to do that now:( I don't know what's wrong with me but I get really excited when it's Friday & I know I get to go home and super-clean my house! I love it! & on Sundays during Jack's nap I normally do all of our laundry that has piled up throughout the week! I don't know when I'll get to that this week!
Anyways, I'm not really complaining, I just wanted to write it down and see exactly what was going on. Looks like I should be able to breathe sometime Saturday afternoon providing I don't keel over during the 5K! Which is very possible!
I guess as an adult you do the things you HAVE to do & you forfit (sp?) certain things you want to do for the other things you want to do!! (Like sleep for a movie!) whatever...If I knew being grown up would be so hard, I don't think I would've been trying to grow up so fast in the past. You don't know what you've got till it's gone, right?!
All in all, I LOVE my life and my family and friends, so I'll do whatever I need to to get some quality time with all of them!
I'll let you know how the movie is & how I place in the 5K..don't expect a high rank!
Thanks for reading!
I have tons to do this weekend & I was just thinking about it getting a little overwhelmed..some of you may read this and think I'm stupid and ridiculous because none of the stuff is really important, but it's still a lot to do!!
After work today, I am picking up Jack then going to get my oil change, then after we hang and I put him to bed, I am going to the midnight showing of Wolverine with Jess and our friend, Allen. (I'm going because they always go to those things and they begged me to go this time). Friday, I have to work until 5pm, then my soon-to-be sister-in-law Christina is doing my hair in an updo to try it out for my wedding. After putting Jack to bed when Jess gets home we are driving to Indy so we can be there for the 5K on Saturday. Saturday, I get up at some ungodly hour to go "run" in a 5K that I have not been training for! I'm mainly doing it because my whole family is doing it (excluding my Dad) and I thought it'd be a fun bonding time. Jess is doing it too so that's cool, although he said he was going to run/walk with us girls!! After that I guess all I HAVE to do is make it home and hang with Jack, but I still have to set up a plethora of appointments with people for the wedding and I wanted to take Jack to the zoo and Sunday we always have dinner with my family!
I always thought I thrived when I had a full schedule, but I think I need some time to myself! I normally clean the house on Friday nights so it is clean for me over the weekend, and I won't be able to do that now:( I don't know what's wrong with me but I get really excited when it's Friday & I know I get to go home and super-clean my house! I love it! & on Sundays during Jack's nap I normally do all of our laundry that has piled up throughout the week! I don't know when I'll get to that this week!
Anyways, I'm not really complaining, I just wanted to write it down and see exactly what was going on. Looks like I should be able to breathe sometime Saturday afternoon providing I don't keel over during the 5K! Which is very possible!
I guess as an adult you do the things you HAVE to do & you forfit (sp?) certain things you want to do for the other things you want to do!! (Like sleep for a movie!) whatever...If I knew being grown up would be so hard, I don't think I would've been trying to grow up so fast in the past. You don't know what you've got till it's gone, right?!
All in all, I LOVE my life and my family and friends, so I'll do whatever I need to to get some quality time with all of them!
I'll let you know how the movie is & how I place in the 5K..don't expect a high rank!
Thanks for reading!
weDDinG fuN!!!
So...Great news!!
We got our loan and we got The Fort!! Bad news=we aren't having any chairs or tents at The Fort so the people who REALLY love me will have to STAND!! Oh well!
Things are really coming together! Yay for me!! Good thing too because we're getting close!! I honestly never thought I would get this close!! It seemed like it was forever away! And now it seems right around the corner! SO much to still do!! Now that we have money though, it is really a lot more fun than stressful! Yay!
Well, I just wanted to let everyone know...lots of times I get on here & I'm complaining etc...things are going really well & I am stoked!! I feel as though my wedding cannot get here soon enough!
I'M SO EXCITED!!! I just want it all to happen!!!
The final planning begins...
Maybe I should send out the invites!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
We got our loan and we got The Fort!! Bad news=we aren't having any chairs or tents at The Fort so the people who REALLY love me will have to STAND!! Oh well!
Things are really coming together! Yay for me!! Good thing too because we're getting close!! I honestly never thought I would get this close!! It seemed like it was forever away! And now it seems right around the corner! SO much to still do!! Now that we have money though, it is really a lot more fun than stressful! Yay!
Well, I just wanted to let everyone know...lots of times I get on here & I'm complaining etc...things are going really well & I am stoked!! I feel as though my wedding cannot get here soon enough!
I'M SO EXCITED!!! I just want it all to happen!!!
The final planning begins...
Maybe I should send out the invites!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sorry about that last one, the boss came in the room! Anyways...
I learned an interesting fact this weekend! As I was looking for synonyms for the word stupid I found the word dumb. The word "dumb" means mute! So, when people used to say Helen Keller was "deaf, dumb, and blind" I always thought they were calling her stupid & I didn't thinkthat was very nice but ACTUALLY they were saying she was mute! I guess you do learn something new everyday!!
Stay tuned for more of my Amazing Adventures!!
I learned an interesting fact this weekend! As I was looking for synonyms for the word stupid I found the word dumb. The word "dumb" means mute! So, when people used to say Helen Keller was "deaf, dumb, and blind" I always thought they were calling her stupid & I didn't thinkthat was very nice but ACTUALLY they were saying she was mute! I guess you do learn something new everyday!!
Stay tuned for more of my Amazing Adventures!!
SO, we are going to (hopefully) get our loan today for our wedding!! I'm super excited because I won't have to stress about money while I plan!! I really do think it's obtuse to get a loan to get married but we already had so much in the works we kind of have to! Oh well! We'll get better credit and pay it of early!
Speaking of obtuse, that is the word I tell Jack to say because he loves saying the word stupid. So when he says stupid I tell him to say obtuse instead.
SO, we are going to (hopefully) get our loan today for our wedding!! I'm super excited because I won't have to stress about money while I plan!! I really do think it's obtuse to get a loan to get married but we already had so much in the works we kind of have to! Oh well! We'll get better credit and pay it of early!
Speaking of obtuse, that is the word I tell Jack to say because he loves saying the word stupid. So when he says stupid I tell him to say obtuse instead.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I remembered #2!
#2~I am friends with plenty of people on Facebook that I'm not really "friends" with but we went to school together or whatever and like to stay in touch. Point being, lots of people my age are just finishing college and/or getting their masters, etc. My question is, Is a degree really necessary for a good job or success? I know the real answer is yes because employers for the better paying/better-in-general jobs require a degree, but for most (aside from a scientist, doctor, etc..) you really don't need a degree. I mean, really! Most of the jobs that "require" a degree, I could do if someone trained me in that company's policies. Now, don't get me wrong, I totally think college degrees are great and I am planning on returning to college soon (this fall hopefully) but I'm just saying, I feel extremely cheated from certain opportunities because of my lack of degree. At this point, I'm having a bit of trouble getting funding for my education, so that doesn't mean I'm dumb, it just means I'm broke! Just a little thought I had while noticing that I have a better job than over half of my friends on facebook that are graduated/graduating with a degree! (no offense, it's just the truth). Many of my friends don't even have a job and they've been looking for over a year with a degree! I feel bad for them, but, what can I say? I'm not trying to sound better than anyone by any means because I'm not, but I just think a little too much emphasis is placed by certain companie and employers for the degree when it may not be necessary. Trust me, I want my doctor, vet, speech/pathologist, and anyone like that to have one!! So props to all who have one and to those who don't, no biggie..there's still hope I think!!
#2~I am friends with plenty of people on Facebook that I'm not really "friends" with but we went to school together or whatever and like to stay in touch. Point being, lots of people my age are just finishing college and/or getting their masters, etc. My question is, Is a degree really necessary for a good job or success? I know the real answer is yes because employers for the better paying/better-in-general jobs require a degree, but for most (aside from a scientist, doctor, etc..) you really don't need a degree. I mean, really! Most of the jobs that "require" a degree, I could do if someone trained me in that company's policies. Now, don't get me wrong, I totally think college degrees are great and I am planning on returning to college soon (this fall hopefully) but I'm just saying, I feel extremely cheated from certain opportunities because of my lack of degree. At this point, I'm having a bit of trouble getting funding for my education, so that doesn't mean I'm dumb, it just means I'm broke! Just a little thought I had while noticing that I have a better job than over half of my friends on facebook that are graduated/graduating with a degree! (no offense, it's just the truth). Many of my friends don't even have a job and they've been looking for over a year with a degree! I feel bad for them, but, what can I say? I'm not trying to sound better than anyone by any means because I'm not, but I just think a little too much emphasis is placed by certain companie and employers for the degree when it may not be necessary. Trust me, I want my doctor, vet, speech/pathologist, and anyone like that to have one!! So props to all who have one and to those who don't, no biggie..there's still hope I think!!
2 Things...
Ok, 2 things...
#1~I just have to voice this for all of the so-called "bridezillas" out there...I believe people in the wedding industry SUCK and they do not care or work hard enough. I believe this is the exact reason that women planning weddings turn into what we all call "bridezillas". I am currently waiting 2 weeks to find out if my site for my wedding will be approved or not, David's Bridal won't order any of my bridesmaids dresses until they've all gone in to order them, they call me every two weeks to tell me the girls haven't ordered their dresses (like I don't know!), their colors don't match Men's Wearhouse colors yet they're partnered up...& the list goes on. So, I guess A) I DO NOT recommend Davids Bridal AT ALL!! B) Women are forced to become more forceful and direct to get what they want for their wedding because the people in the wedding industry don't really get how stressful it is and how a bride feels when things are not planned her way. Just a little opinion of mine!
#2~Crap...I forgot my #2...I'll have to get back to you on that one!
#1~I just have to voice this for all of the so-called "bridezillas" out there...I believe people in the wedding industry SUCK and they do not care or work hard enough. I believe this is the exact reason that women planning weddings turn into what we all call "bridezillas". I am currently waiting 2 weeks to find out if my site for my wedding will be approved or not, David's Bridal won't order any of my bridesmaids dresses until they've all gone in to order them, they call me every two weeks to tell me the girls haven't ordered their dresses (like I don't know!), their colors don't match Men's Wearhouse colors yet they're partnered up...& the list goes on. So, I guess A) I DO NOT recommend Davids Bridal AT ALL!! B) Women are forced to become more forceful and direct to get what they want for their wedding because the people in the wedding industry don't really get how stressful it is and how a bride feels when things are not planned her way. Just a little opinion of mine!
#2~Crap...I forgot my #2...I'll have to get back to you on that one!
Helloooo!!! I was just asked yesterday what happened to my blog, so I thought it was time to write something! Just a few updates from my AmAzInG lIfE!!
First, the whole giving up alcohol thing didn't last although I only drank twice which is still really good for me! I'm still trying not to drink pop because I like it better that way!
I have been wedding planning like CrAzY!! We met with our minister on Tuesday, we're still waiting a week for the board at The Fort to make their final decision on whether or not we can have our wedding there, so the invitations will be done as soon as we find out! We actually have to get a loan for our wedding which TOTALLY sucks!! But, hopefully we'll pay it off early and improve our credit. We meet with the loan guy next Tuesday @ 2pm. Hopefully we can get what we want!! I still feel like I am completely behind with everything but my mom seems to think I am right on track, so, I guess mom knows best! (I hope)!
My sister is in charge of my bachelorette party & I have no idea what we are doing for it, but I trust her so I'm sure it will be fun!! She did mention she might have "something for me to wear", so I hope it matches my outfit!! I got 3 dresses for the bridal showers and bachelorette party and a dress for my rehearsal dinner & jewelry. All I have left to get are shoes! (any suggestions Sarah?)
Jack is SO the light of my life! He is such a fun child to be around and so incredibly smart and full of life! He is 2, so he has many moments in the day where he "freaks" but I know with good parenting and patience he will get better! We watch the movie Monsters Inc. EVERY day! sometimes multiple times...that's kind of nutz, but my brother told me about watching movies in "1.5" so I might try that. "1.5" is watching the movie & pushing the slow forward button until it's at 1.5. He said you can still watch the movie & understand it, it just goes by quicker, so that would be awesome!!
Anyways...all in all, life is good! I love my job, love my fiance, my son and all supporting members of my life! I thank God every day for each and every one of you!! Thanks!!
Stay tuned for more of my AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
First, the whole giving up alcohol thing didn't last although I only drank twice which is still really good for me! I'm still trying not to drink pop because I like it better that way!
I have been wedding planning like CrAzY!! We met with our minister on Tuesday, we're still waiting a week for the board at The Fort to make their final decision on whether or not we can have our wedding there, so the invitations will be done as soon as we find out! We actually have to get a loan for our wedding which TOTALLY sucks!! But, hopefully we'll pay it off early and improve our credit. We meet with the loan guy next Tuesday @ 2pm. Hopefully we can get what we want!! I still feel like I am completely behind with everything but my mom seems to think I am right on track, so, I guess mom knows best! (I hope)!
My sister is in charge of my bachelorette party & I have no idea what we are doing for it, but I trust her so I'm sure it will be fun!! She did mention she might have "something for me to wear", so I hope it matches my outfit!! I got 3 dresses for the bridal showers and bachelorette party and a dress for my rehearsal dinner & jewelry. All I have left to get are shoes! (any suggestions Sarah?)
Jack is SO the light of my life! He is such a fun child to be around and so incredibly smart and full of life! He is 2, so he has many moments in the day where he "freaks" but I know with good parenting and patience he will get better! We watch the movie Monsters Inc. EVERY day! sometimes multiple times...that's kind of nutz, but my brother told me about watching movies in "1.5" so I might try that. "1.5" is watching the movie & pushing the slow forward button until it's at 1.5. He said you can still watch the movie & understand it, it just goes by quicker, so that would be awesome!!
Anyways...all in all, life is good! I love my job, love my fiance, my son and all supporting members of my life! I thank God every day for each and every one of you!! Thanks!!
Stay tuned for more of my AmAzInG aDvEnTuReS!!!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
So...I normally have someone to talk to in my office because we share it. She is my boss's fiance and also works here & today my boss wasn't going to be in the office, so neither was she. I make phone calls all day and 80% of the time get an answering machine. When my partner in crime is here I pass the time by talking to her while I am listening to the endless ringing. Well, since she was not here today I decided to read and moderate FMLs on fmylife.com while listening to the rings. If a homeowner picks up, I just revert my attention to the job at hand. Well, I went downstairs to smoke a cigarette and when I came back up, my boss had decided to stop in the office to talk to me about what was going on today. He was sitting in my seat staring at the computer screen. Yeah...he didn't say anything about it, but I'm sure in our meeting tomorrow he will. Now he will think all I was doing was playing around while not working. When actually, I was stopping myself from dying of boredom while doing my job. Great....My fiance, Jess, asked why I couldn't do something more productive while making phone calls & while that is a great thought, if I were to be focusing on something important I would not be able to revert my focus back to the phone call should someone pick up. So I try to cure my boredom with something not so important that I don't have to focus on. Great idea...it worked out wonderfully.
Now, for those of you who are asking yourselves "what is fmylife.com?" you should really check it out! It's very funny. For instance, if I were to write one today it would sound something like,
Today, my boss was out of the office. I decided to read FMLs while making my phone calls for my job. I went downstairs for a minute & when I came back up my boss had unexpectantly stopped by to have a meeting with me and was sitting in my chair staring my computer screen. FML.
I'll keep you informed on how our meeting tomorrow goes....
Now, for those of you who are asking yourselves "what is fmylife.com?" you should really check it out! It's very funny. For instance, if I were to write one today it would sound something like,
Today, my boss was out of the office. I decided to read FMLs while making my phone calls for my job. I went downstairs for a minute & when I came back up my boss had unexpectantly stopped by to have a meeting with me and was sitting in my chair staring my computer screen. FML.
I'll keep you informed on how our meeting tomorrow goes....
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Will Power
Just wanted to let ya'll know that the next Real World is in Cancun, so Jess & I WERE on the bus with them!! Too bad their crew was a bunch of meanies!! I would say I'm going to boycott that season because of their crappiness, but let's face it, I'm gonna watch it!! No will power...
Speaking of will power, I gave up soda pop and alcohol for lent. I'm doing quite well & haven't slipped yet! Jess said I was the only person he knows that hasn't slipped on what they gave up for lent. It made me feel pretty good! I told him it was easier because if God can put His one and only Son onthe cross to die for my sins, then surely I can give up something I like for 40 days!! The whole lent experience has definitely helped me stay closer with God and really appreciate what He did and is always doing for me in my life and for others as well. The only thing that sucks is that I'm helping my sister move this weekend and I could get as much free beer as I want!! Oh well, I'll just tell her she owes me a night out on the town!!
Oh yeah, I am currently waiting for "the board" of The Fort to approve my reserving it for my wedding. I don't know how long that'll take. Hopefully not too long! It's even more stressful when you are waiting on other people and can't do anything about it!!
That's about it for my AMAZING ADVENTURES at this time, but stay tuned!
Speaking of will power, I gave up soda pop and alcohol for lent. I'm doing quite well & haven't slipped yet! Jess said I was the only person he knows that hasn't slipped on what they gave up for lent. It made me feel pretty good! I told him it was easier because if God can put His one and only Son onthe cross to die for my sins, then surely I can give up something I like for 40 days!! The whole lent experience has definitely helped me stay closer with God and really appreciate what He did and is always doing for me in my life and for others as well. The only thing that sucks is that I'm helping my sister move this weekend and I could get as much free beer as I want!! Oh well, I'll just tell her she owes me a night out on the town!!
Oh yeah, I am currently waiting for "the board" of The Fort to approve my reserving it for my wedding. I don't know how long that'll take. Hopefully not too long! It's even more stressful when you are waiting on other people and can't do anything about it!!
That's about it for my AMAZING ADVENTURES at this time, but stay tuned!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
My AmAzInG LiFe!
Hello!! I am bored!!! So, I thought I'd catch up on my blog writing!! Anyways....
Work is great, in case anyone was wondering...all of this rain has done wonders for us!! It's awesome! Except we have a few people in our office that think this place cannot run without them & they are Take, Take, Taking with no extra give. The problem I have with this is that 2 of them are my only 2 employees I have to manage making my job more difficult as the days go on. What do you do when someone wants more and more given to them for only doing the same job they've been doing for 1-2 years? I mean, they get bonuses..I don't get it. I keep saying no & their productivity keeps going down when I say no because they're all pissed off at me for saying no & then the VERY next day they ask me for something else! It's crazy. I'd like to fire them all & get new more grateful people if I could find the right people in a period of 1 day! They should be graterful to have a job in this economy!! STOP ASKING FOR STUFF! UGGGGHH!!!
And, home life is wonderful! Jess has 4 days off this week, so we are getting some more evenings together which is AWESOME! Our friend who was staying at our house for the past 2 months is no longer staying there thanks to my deadline and Jess sticking to it, so that's cool too! Some quality "just our family" time is just what Jess, Jack & I needed! Last week Jack learned how to climb out of his crib without getting hurt & 3 days ago he learned how to open doors! So...of course..last night we were watching Star Wars before he went to bed. Then he started acting up so we put him to bed. I went outside & Jess laid (<--? sorry, sarah!) on the couch. I come in to find out that Jack had climbed out of his crib, opened the door, and then slyly positioned himself into the corner of our dark hallway Jess only caught him because he started giggling when Chewbacca came on the screen! I have a crazy kid! It's great! But also kind of scary to think he could get out of bed & his room when we're sleeping across the house. Hopefully we can teach him to come directly to our room if he gets up! Time for a toddler bed! Also, the door handle things for kids...yeah, my parents have those & Jack STILL opens the doors! So, we're screwed!
Only 4 months until our wedding! Planning is going well although people in that industry really SUCK at calling people back! Which I don't understand! Oh well...I'm freaking out a little because I feel not on schedule, but I actually think I am. I'm also freaking out about the money, but we'll be alright.
Well, gotta go! Have a wonderful day & stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!
Work is great, in case anyone was wondering...all of this rain has done wonders for us!! It's awesome! Except we have a few people in our office that think this place cannot run without them & they are Take, Take, Taking with no extra give. The problem I have with this is that 2 of them are my only 2 employees I have to manage making my job more difficult as the days go on. What do you do when someone wants more and more given to them for only doing the same job they've been doing for 1-2 years? I mean, they get bonuses..I don't get it. I keep saying no & their productivity keeps going down when I say no because they're all pissed off at me for saying no & then the VERY next day they ask me for something else! It's crazy. I'd like to fire them all & get new more grateful people if I could find the right people in a period of 1 day! They should be graterful to have a job in this economy!! STOP ASKING FOR STUFF! UGGGGHH!!!
And, home life is wonderful! Jess has 4 days off this week, so we are getting some more evenings together which is AWESOME! Our friend who was staying at our house for the past 2 months is no longer staying there thanks to my deadline and Jess sticking to it, so that's cool too! Some quality "just our family" time is just what Jess, Jack & I needed! Last week Jack learned how to climb out of his crib without getting hurt & 3 days ago he learned how to open doors! So...of course..last night we were watching Star Wars before he went to bed. Then he started acting up so we put him to bed. I went outside & Jess laid (<--? sorry, sarah!) on the couch. I come in to find out that Jack had climbed out of his crib, opened the door, and then slyly positioned himself into the corner of our dark hallway Jess only caught him because he started giggling when Chewbacca came on the screen! I have a crazy kid! It's great! But also kind of scary to think he could get out of bed & his room when we're sleeping across the house. Hopefully we can teach him to come directly to our room if he gets up! Time for a toddler bed! Also, the door handle things for kids...yeah, my parents have those & Jack STILL opens the doors! So, we're screwed!
Only 4 months until our wedding! Planning is going well although people in that industry really SUCK at calling people back! Which I don't understand! Oh well...I'm freaking out a little because I feel not on schedule, but I actually think I am. I'm also freaking out about the money, but we'll be alright.
Well, gotta go! Have a wonderful day & stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!
Friday, February 20, 2009

HOLA!! It's been awhile & I've been swamped at work, so here's some updates on my AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Cancun was AWESOME!!! Jess & I soaked up every minute of it. It was a break we both needed horribly. The sun, the ocean, the bartering for the best deal downtown, the bus rides...everything was an adventure! The buses down there are crazy!! They drive like, 80 MPH and so recklessly! It was a very cheap (50 cents) roller coaster ride every time!!! We got a lot of great pics that are up on my myspace and facebook pages. check them out when you get a chance! Our hotel, the Hilton Spa & Golf Resort, was amazing! It is a 5-star hotel and worth every star!!! We also got to ride with what we think was Real World Texas at 3am on a bus on the way home from Coco Bongo (an amazing club), so that was pretty cool. We don't know if it was them because the crew was REALLY rude and wouldn't tell us who they were or where they were from, but the camera said Texas on it. The only info we got from their PR guy was that they were doing a documentary on these 7 kids...it seemed like Real World to us. Since they were being so rude to us (we got the MEANEST look EVER from the camera woman!) and wouldn't tell us who they were, we kind of ruined their shot by talking loud and being rambunchious (sp?). They moved 2 seats back to "re-shoot" and then they repeated the last 5 minutes of what had just happened almost word-for-word with no script. kinda crazy! THEN, these 4 people from England came on the bus and so did a guy with a guitar & the english people paid him to play a song and he played 'La Bamba' & Jess, me & the 4 english people were SCREAMING the song at the top of our lungs! It was hilarious! Needless to say, the people couldn't film on the bus and got of at the next stop! I have to say, it was one of the most fun things I've ever been a part of!!
Back to reality...I'm back at work and so is Jess. It almost feels as though we weren't even in Cancun just last week...oh well, we always have the memories! It was great to reunite with Jack although he freaked out when he saw us. I don't think he knew how to deal with his emotions because he was crying for like 10 minutes straight and then he was fine. It was strange, but wonderful to see him again!
I've had to bring the hammer down on both of my employees (I only have 2 in my department besides myself), and that hasn't been fun. I have a meeting where I have to ream one of them in about an hour. Good thing it's right before my weekend though! It's hard to be motivating when your employees keep messing up at their job. But it feels good to let them know so atleast they can fix it if they want and keep their jobs!
Well, enough of that...I'm going to catch up on reading some of your stuff now, well, mostly Sarah's because Bethie STILL doesn't blog enough! I'll catch up with ya later! Enjoy some more of my AMAZING ADVENTURES later!!!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
5 days!
5 Days until I leave for Cancun!!!!
I have so much to do, but hopefully I will get off of work early today if my assistant ever calls me back!
I have so much to do, but hopefully I will get off of work early today if my assistant ever calls me back!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday Jack!!!
Today is Jack III's 2nd birthday!! Yay!!!
~I am so excited!! OH, how we've both grown so much in the past 2 years! I cannot wait to see what will happen next! I am working right now, well, I'm at work anyways, and then we are going out to Mi Casitas to eat a birthday dinner with my family and Jess...then presents!!!
Jess & I didn't get Jack anything because we couldn't think of anything to get him considering he has a lot of clothes and too many toys!! So we decided our love for him was enough this year. He won't know anyways...and with my family getting him gifts he'll still have presents to open!!
~So, 6 days until Cancun! Man, I am anxious/nervous! I can't wait, but I don't even know what it's going to be like at all! It'll be fun though! I still have to finish cleaning the house and pack probably for me and Jess...you know how that is! Fun times!
~Work today has really sucked...I had 2 demotivated reps in the office today. not so much fun. atleast I get off shortly and fun times will begin!
~BTW, now when you ask Jack how old he is he says 2 with his 2 little fingers up! It's so cute!
~Jess & I decided to do a movie night every week on Tuesdays after Jack goes to bed. That'll be fun tonight too! And I found out my assistant is getting back from Indy tonight which means I don't have to work all day tomorrow! Good news all around for the most part!
~I have been bored all day at work and cannot wait to go home and see my men. I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful day!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
~I am so excited!! OH, how we've both grown so much in the past 2 years! I cannot wait to see what will happen next! I am working right now, well, I'm at work anyways, and then we are going out to Mi Casitas to eat a birthday dinner with my family and Jess...then presents!!!
Jess & I didn't get Jack anything because we couldn't think of anything to get him considering he has a lot of clothes and too many toys!! So we decided our love for him was enough this year. He won't know anyways...and with my family getting him gifts he'll still have presents to open!!
~So, 6 days until Cancun! Man, I am anxious/nervous! I can't wait, but I don't even know what it's going to be like at all! It'll be fun though! I still have to finish cleaning the house and pack probably for me and Jess...you know how that is! Fun times!
~Work today has really sucked...I had 2 demotivated reps in the office today. not so much fun. atleast I get off shortly and fun times will begin!
~BTW, now when you ask Jack how old he is he says 2 with his 2 little fingers up! It's so cute!
~Jess & I decided to do a movie night every week on Tuesdays after Jack goes to bed. That'll be fun tonight too! And I found out my assistant is getting back from Indy tonight which means I don't have to work all day tomorrow! Good news all around for the most part!
~I have been bored all day at work and cannot wait to go home and see my men. I hope everyone out there is having a wonderful day!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Sooooo....guess where I am? ...I bet you can't guess...time's up! I'm at work...SURPRISE!!
Anyways....Jess & I did not go to register because our friend Dan had us watch his son Danny because Dan's grandpa died yesterday. Please pray for him and his family. Thank you.
9 1/2 days until I'm in Cancun!! Don't worry I'll take lots of pictures!! I just found out though that I have to activate my 'global sim card' in my phone in order to be able to use it while I'm down there...uggh! but since I need to me able to have work call me my boss is gonna pay for it! Awesome! It still costs .99 a minute to talk though! A text is .50! Luckily, I have email on my phone so my employees and I will be communicating that way at no extra cost to me!!! I can't wait! I know I mention it all the time, but I am seriously STOKED!
My assistant is going to work the show in Indy this weekend though, so I have to work Saturday, SUNDAY, all day (8am-9pm) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday!! What a busy week before my little vacation/work thing!
I gained .9 lbs yesterday when I got on the Wii...pllllllh! (that's me sticking out my tongue). Oh well, I guess I'll have to try a little harder!! No shame in my game!!!:)
That's all folks!!
Stay tuned for more on my AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Anyways....Jess & I did not go to register because our friend Dan had us watch his son Danny because Dan's grandpa died yesterday. Please pray for him and his family. Thank you.
9 1/2 days until I'm in Cancun!! Don't worry I'll take lots of pictures!! I just found out though that I have to activate my 'global sim card' in my phone in order to be able to use it while I'm down there...uggh! but since I need to me able to have work call me my boss is gonna pay for it! Awesome! It still costs .99 a minute to talk though! A text is .50! Luckily, I have email on my phone so my employees and I will be communicating that way at no extra cost to me!!! I can't wait! I know I mention it all the time, but I am seriously STOKED!
My assistant is going to work the show in Indy this weekend though, so I have to work Saturday, SUNDAY, all day (8am-9pm) Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday!! What a busy week before my little vacation/work thing!
I gained .9 lbs yesterday when I got on the Wii...pllllllh! (that's me sticking out my tongue). Oh well, I guess I'll have to try a little harder!! No shame in my game!!!:)
That's all folks!!
Stay tuned for more on my AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Yes, another one today! Just had a thought...
So.....I was just thinking and wondering, do guys ever stop being sweet and nice and surprising you with flowers.cards, etc..?
Because I haven't gotten a card or flowers in a really long time & it's starting to bother me a little. We've only been together for 4 years & already this part of our relationship is gone? Not possible. I want to be surprised with flowers for the rest of my life!!!
Should I tell Jess this or just let it go? It's not a deal breaker for me, but it does bug me.
Oh well.
Because I haven't gotten a card or flowers in a really long time & it's starting to bother me a little. We've only been together for 4 years & already this part of our relationship is gone? Not possible. I want to be surprised with flowers for the rest of my life!!!
Should I tell Jess this or just let it go? It's not a deal breaker for me, but it does bug me.
Oh well.
ok, I know I just posted, but I forgot to tell ya'll what my cousin Kristy text me. She's an incredible person, but she may very possibly be insane...
here's the texts:
(Kristy)-"I just saw on your blog today that Jack peed & pooped in the potty last week! yay! I can't believe how fast he's growing! He's like a chia pet. Ha. Chu-chu-chu-chia!"
I love you Kristy!! You light up my life!
here's the texts:
(Kristy)-"I just saw on your blog today that Jack peed & pooped in the potty last week! yay! I can't believe how fast he's growing! He's like a chia pet. Ha. Chu-chu-chu-chia!"
I love you Kristy!! You light up my life!
I always bug my sister about not ever posting enough blogs to cure my boredom while I'm at work, so I guess I should post more often too. By the way, thank you DR. Hudon for posting often enough to cure my boredom for a while at work:) & congrats on the DR thing.
Random thought: is 'a while' one word 'awhile' or 2? Man, I should really know this since my mother is an english teacher. Maybe I should take her college class!
Also, I really like the phrase "that really grinds my gears" just to let you know!
So, I have been working out lately & trying to eat healthy. Not only do I have to get into a swimsuit in less than 2 weeks, but my family & I are all walk/running the 5k in Indy in May! yikes! Hopefully, I will be the most fit and I will kick all their butts!!! ALSO, as we all probably already know, I am getting married in July & I have to look Hotter than HOT!!!
Working out is going well, thank God for my Wii fit! I ache here & there, but I feel better about myself daily, so that's awesome!
My nephew Austin is now being homeschooled by my sister, so they have started to have Austin teach Jack stuff. It's really cute:) The color of the week (Austin's idea!) is blue, so we'll see how it goes because right now the only color he'll recognize is red.
Oh yeah! Jack got 4 bottles of water out the other day & lined them up in a row & counted them! 1-2-3-....he doesn't know what comes after 3 so he just said 3 again! (cute)
Well, I am at work right now, so I better get going....
Wedding Update: I booked my reception hall, have my dress, bridesmaids have theirs, and I'm going with Jess to register for gifts today after I get off work!
Back to all of my AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Random thought: is 'a while' one word 'awhile' or 2? Man, I should really know this since my mother is an english teacher. Maybe I should take her college class!
Also, I really like the phrase "that really grinds my gears" just to let you know!
So, I have been working out lately & trying to eat healthy. Not only do I have to get into a swimsuit in less than 2 weeks, but my family & I are all walk/running the 5k in Indy in May! yikes! Hopefully, I will be the most fit and I will kick all their butts!!! ALSO, as we all probably already know, I am getting married in July & I have to look Hotter than HOT!!!
Working out is going well, thank God for my Wii fit! I ache here & there, but I feel better about myself daily, so that's awesome!
My nephew Austin is now being homeschooled by my sister, so they have started to have Austin teach Jack stuff. It's really cute:) The color of the week (Austin's idea!) is blue, so we'll see how it goes because right now the only color he'll recognize is red.
Oh yeah! Jack got 4 bottles of water out the other day & lined them up in a row & counted them! 1-2-3-....he doesn't know what comes after 3 so he just said 3 again! (cute)
Well, I am at work right now, so I better get going....
Wedding Update: I booked my reception hall, have my dress, bridesmaids have theirs, and I'm going with Jess to register for gifts today after I get off work!
Back to all of my AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A historical day in more ways than one!!
Hello!!! A couple AMAZING things have happened lately...
#1) I got my wedding dress on Sunday!!! It is gorgeous!!! I am in love with it and the reception hall will be booked by the end of the week!!!
#2) I am at work watching the inauguration on cnn.com live & they have this neat thing where you can see all the facebook statuses when people put them up while you watch. Well, this girl put that she was watching the inaugration and sharing in the pride of fellow blacks. Yes, that's how she spelled the word inauguration when it was right there on her computer in front of her!!! I thought her comment was rather racist and ignorant, so in turn, I put on my status that I was watching the inauguration (spelled right) and sharing in the pride of fellow AMERICANS. and yes, I capitolized (sp?) AMERICANS!!! It just bothers me that people are STILL talking about how he's black! GET OVER IT!!!! Also, he's half white, so who cares?!
#3) JACK PEED AND POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!! I just got that phone call at work and that made my week! We are starting to seriously start potty training hardcore & it is totally gonna work!!! Hopefully I will have a potty trained 2 1/2 year old at my wedding! That would be AMAZING!!! Since my sister watches him 3 days a week her, Jess, & I are all gonna have to be on the same page, but if you just bribe Jack with a sticker to get him on the toilet it totally works and then he knows what to do once he gets on there, so it's great!!!
Just thought I would share with you a bit!!!
I'll try to post pics of my dress and my bridesmaids dresses.
Back to not working and watching the inauguration! This live feed from cnn.com is AWESOME!! I didn't get to see the coverage for 9/11 because I was in high school and they wouldn't tell us what happened or let us watch tv coverage so this is great to be able to be a part of this historical day! (Even though I don't know if this "change" is gonna be good)...only time will tell!!!
Stay tuned for updated AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
#1) I got my wedding dress on Sunday!!! It is gorgeous!!! I am in love with it and the reception hall will be booked by the end of the week!!!
#2) I am at work watching the inauguration on cnn.com live & they have this neat thing where you can see all the facebook statuses when people put them up while you watch. Well, this girl put that she was watching the inaugration and sharing in the pride of fellow blacks. Yes, that's how she spelled the word inauguration when it was right there on her computer in front of her!!! I thought her comment was rather racist and ignorant, so in turn, I put on my status that I was watching the inauguration (spelled right) and sharing in the pride of fellow AMERICANS. and yes, I capitolized (sp?) AMERICANS!!! It just bothers me that people are STILL talking about how he's black! GET OVER IT!!!! Also, he's half white, so who cares?!
#3) JACK PEED AND POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!! I just got that phone call at work and that made my week! We are starting to seriously start potty training hardcore & it is totally gonna work!!! Hopefully I will have a potty trained 2 1/2 year old at my wedding! That would be AMAZING!!! Since my sister watches him 3 days a week her, Jess, & I are all gonna have to be on the same page, but if you just bribe Jack with a sticker to get him on the toilet it totally works and then he knows what to do once he gets on there, so it's great!!!
Just thought I would share with you a bit!!!
I'll try to post pics of my dress and my bridesmaids dresses.
Back to not working and watching the inauguration! This live feed from cnn.com is AWESOME!! I didn't get to see the coverage for 9/11 because I was in high school and they wouldn't tell us what happened or let us watch tv coverage so this is great to be able to be a part of this historical day! (Even though I don't know if this "change" is gonna be good)...only time will tell!!!
Stay tuned for updated AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Random thoughts spewing out of my head
HOLA!!! I have had quite the week with all the drama etc..but I am so excited it is Friday at 3:22pm!! Almost the weekend! Although I have an appointment at a reception hall Sat. at 11:30am, dinner at a friends Sat. night, a dress fitting on Sunday at 1pm, and probably lunch after:) Busy, busy, busy!!
But anyways...ya'll would've DIED if you could see Jack in his get-up for going outside in this insanely cold weather!!! Well, Bethie, you did see him!! (giggle) He has a sweatshirt with a hood on, a hat, snow pants, boots, gloves, and a poofy jacket with a hood!! TOTALLY HILARIOUS!! I'll have to take a pic of it tonight! But if you've ever seen 'A Christmas Story' just think of the kid getting all bundled up and having to walk to school like a penguin. That's Jack!!!
Jess's car doesn't work in this INSANELY cold weather because his thermostat freezes, so I had to take Jack to my sister's house this morning before work. Yeah...I was definitely late to work!
One of our work trucks that runs on diesel fuel had to be towed to the shop today because the diesel gelled up! That sucks. (Not my money!!!-Thank the lord!)
Did you know you have to use pesos to buy things in Cancun? Of course you know because it's a different country...I knew too, I just hadn't thought about it like that yet. That's strange. I've never been out of the country before! Did you also know that there is a bad drug war going on in Mexico right now? Sweet...I guess I won't be going to those ruins I wanted to visit. oh well.:)
Anyways...I should go because I'm at work (not working)...YAY WEEKEND!!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
But anyways...ya'll would've DIED if you could see Jack in his get-up for going outside in this insanely cold weather!!! Well, Bethie, you did see him!! (giggle) He has a sweatshirt with a hood on, a hat, snow pants, boots, gloves, and a poofy jacket with a hood!! TOTALLY HILARIOUS!! I'll have to take a pic of it tonight! But if you've ever seen 'A Christmas Story' just think of the kid getting all bundled up and having to walk to school like a penguin. That's Jack!!!
Jess's car doesn't work in this INSANELY cold weather because his thermostat freezes, so I had to take Jack to my sister's house this morning before work. Yeah...I was definitely late to work!
One of our work trucks that runs on diesel fuel had to be towed to the shop today because the diesel gelled up! That sucks. (Not my money!!!-Thank the lord!)
Did you know you have to use pesos to buy things in Cancun? Of course you know because it's a different country...I knew too, I just hadn't thought about it like that yet. That's strange. I've never been out of the country before! Did you also know that there is a bad drug war going on in Mexico right now? Sweet...I guess I won't be going to those ruins I wanted to visit. oh well.:)
Anyways...I should go because I'm at work (not working)...YAY WEEKEND!!!
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
A little change of pace in my AMAZING life...
I'm just chillaxin' on my lunch break reading some of the awesome blogs that I follow...
Life is good. No one at the office is mad at me anymore, probably because our boss changed his tune & is letting them listen to whatever whenever now...Whatev!
I got my passport-still SUPER excited about Cancun! Can't wait to see the beautiful ocean and take some much needed Jess & Me time for a whole week!!!
I feel like I'm halfway starting to get somewhere with the wedding planning, although I must say it is OOBER stressful!! I don't think I've ever been so overwhelmed in my whole life! My sister and mom are helping me, so that's cool. I just have to wait for my tax return check to have any money for it, so the planning is kind of at a stand still for the time being. It's still fun though & I get to go try on my dress this weekend with all my women there too! YAY!
SIDE NOTE-I spell yay Y-A-Y, I used to spell it yea, but I got cracked on a lot, but the funny thing is, now people crack on me for the NEW way I spell it! I don't know which way is right. Maybe I should ask my mom the english teacher...hmmmm...
Anyways...Jack is the most AMAZING thing/person in my life! He is actually starting to listen to me a lot more than he did and we are having a lot of "talks" about stuff he does and him listening to me and Jess. It's incredible to watch your child learn and grow into someone with a very independent and unique personality. He amazes me everday with gestures, words, SENTENCES!!!, etc...I adore Jack so much and I just hope I can do everything I need to for him to get whatever he wants out of life and whatever God has intended for him. It scares me sometimes to think that how I raise him now will affect how he is when he's a teen and what choices he makes when he's much older. I found if you think of it like that you get way too stressed, so for now we'll just take it one day at a time! My point? Jack is the BEST!!!
Well, I'm rambling now, so I'll go. Plus my lunch break is almost over!
Stay tuned for plenty more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
I'm just chillaxin' on my lunch break reading some of the awesome blogs that I follow...
Life is good. No one at the office is mad at me anymore, probably because our boss changed his tune & is letting them listen to whatever whenever now...Whatev!
I got my passport-still SUPER excited about Cancun! Can't wait to see the beautiful ocean and take some much needed Jess & Me time for a whole week!!!
I feel like I'm halfway starting to get somewhere with the wedding planning, although I must say it is OOBER stressful!! I don't think I've ever been so overwhelmed in my whole life! My sister and mom are helping me, so that's cool. I just have to wait for my tax return check to have any money for it, so the planning is kind of at a stand still for the time being. It's still fun though & I get to go try on my dress this weekend with all my women there too! YAY!
SIDE NOTE-I spell yay Y-A-Y, I used to spell it yea, but I got cracked on a lot, but the funny thing is, now people crack on me for the NEW way I spell it! I don't know which way is right. Maybe I should ask my mom the english teacher...hmmmm...
Anyways...Jack is the most AMAZING thing/person in my life! He is actually starting to listen to me a lot more than he did and we are having a lot of "talks" about stuff he does and him listening to me and Jess. It's incredible to watch your child learn and grow into someone with a very independent and unique personality. He amazes me everday with gestures, words, SENTENCES!!!, etc...I adore Jack so much and I just hope I can do everything I need to for him to get whatever he wants out of life and whatever God has intended for him. It scares me sometimes to think that how I raise him now will affect how he is when he's a teen and what choices he makes when he's much older. I found if you think of it like that you get way too stressed, so for now we'll just take it one day at a time! My point? Jack is the BEST!!!
Well, I'm rambling now, so I'll go. Plus my lunch break is almost over!
Stay tuned for plenty more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
So....today in my AMAZING life, almost everyone in my office is mad at me! YAY! Here's the story...
Yesterday we had a management meeting & one of the topics was dress code. As we get more customers coming into the office, our dress code has changed to portray a more professional image. Well, since this is the case, I mentioned that we should not blare 107.9 or 96.3 in the main office because it is not professional (not to mention I am upstairs, not allowed to close my door, and can't hear myself think sometimes!). So....I suggested we stick to "family friendly" radio stations. Seeing as how our commercial runs on 101.7, my boss told us we have to listen to that station.
OMG! People are FREAKING out about this taking it as a personal offense. The 3 people downstairs right now are choosing not to listen to ANY music because they are upset that they can't listen to "their stations". On top of all that, they are hardly talking to one another and definitely not talking to me at all.
Hmmm...I thought we were all grown ups here...I guess not.
I just wish these people could think about how what I suggested was not personal at all & how I was only looking out for the good of my company. If we portray a bad image to people who walk through our door our company will suffer. If our company suffers we don't get raises and bonuses. The other thing that really grinds my gears is that if my boss had been the person to say this instead of me bringing it up, this would not be a problem. No one would stop talking to him or be crappy about it.
But........WHATEV! Life goes on & there are a bunch more AMAZING ADVENTURES to come so don't miss out!
Yesterday we had a management meeting & one of the topics was dress code. As we get more customers coming into the office, our dress code has changed to portray a more professional image. Well, since this is the case, I mentioned that we should not blare 107.9 or 96.3 in the main office because it is not professional (not to mention I am upstairs, not allowed to close my door, and can't hear myself think sometimes!). So....I suggested we stick to "family friendly" radio stations. Seeing as how our commercial runs on 101.7, my boss told us we have to listen to that station.
OMG! People are FREAKING out about this taking it as a personal offense. The 3 people downstairs right now are choosing not to listen to ANY music because they are upset that they can't listen to "their stations". On top of all that, they are hardly talking to one another and definitely not talking to me at all.
Hmmm...I thought we were all grown ups here...I guess not.
I just wish these people could think about how what I suggested was not personal at all & how I was only looking out for the good of my company. If we portray a bad image to people who walk through our door our company will suffer. If our company suffers we don't get raises and bonuses. The other thing that really grinds my gears is that if my boss had been the person to say this instead of me bringing it up, this would not be a problem. No one would stop talking to him or be crappy about it.
But........WHATEV! Life goes on & there are a bunch more AMAZING ADVENTURES to come so don't miss out!
Friday, January 2, 2009
So,when the cats away, the mice will play, right? well, I'm at work right now & I am totally bored and my boss won't be in until Monday!! I miss Jack...wish I could be hangin' with him right now! Atleast I know he's in good hands with my sista! 2 more hours isn't that bad although I have to work tomorrow morning and continue to call these people who haven't answered their phones after 5. oh well..life goes on!
I got my passport today! Not as bad as I thought it would be. Wanna hear something crazy?! They actually TAKE your birth certificate, like, the ORIGINAL and mail it off to wherever does passports! I don't think that's right! Correct me if I'm wrong, but birth certificates are important, right? And I'm supposed to trust the random post office lady to take good care of it and make sure it gets shipped off, looked at by some other random people, and sent back to me safely! NOT cool. I feel like I could loose my whole identity! Atleast I still have my social security card! I just thought that was weird. The "random post office lady" was actually named Danette and she was very helpful answering all of my "first timer" questions. She had to take my picture three times because my glasses kept creating a glare and you couldn't see my eyes. I guess the patrol people have to see your eyes...hmmm...I wonder why. What if I decide to wear colored contacts on my plane ride to another country? Or what if I wear make up that makes my eyes look like cat eyes? what then? I guess I'm just screwed. Actually, considering I have a criminal past, perhaps I won't get a passport issued to me at all. Man...I should've thought about leaving the country BEFORE killing all the stupid people at my work....CRAP! We'll see.... (Just kidding about the killing people thing:)
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
I got my passport today! Not as bad as I thought it would be. Wanna hear something crazy?! They actually TAKE your birth certificate, like, the ORIGINAL and mail it off to wherever does passports! I don't think that's right! Correct me if I'm wrong, but birth certificates are important, right? And I'm supposed to trust the random post office lady to take good care of it and make sure it gets shipped off, looked at by some other random people, and sent back to me safely! NOT cool. I feel like I could loose my whole identity! Atleast I still have my social security card! I just thought that was weird. The "random post office lady" was actually named Danette and she was very helpful answering all of my "first timer" questions. She had to take my picture three times because my glasses kept creating a glare and you couldn't see my eyes. I guess the patrol people have to see your eyes...hmmm...I wonder why. What if I decide to wear colored contacts on my plane ride to another country? Or what if I wear make up that makes my eyes look like cat eyes? what then? I guess I'm just screwed. Actually, considering I have a criminal past, perhaps I won't get a passport issued to me at all. Man...I should've thought about leaving the country BEFORE killing all the stupid people at my work....CRAP! We'll see.... (Just kidding about the killing people thing:)
Stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!!!
Happy New Year!
Hello all and welcome to 2009! Here's my rhyme for 2009..."2009 is gonna be fine! I'm gonna shine!" you like it? I was really bored on New Year's Eve & I came up with it! Yay me!
Just in case anyone was wondering, I brought in the new year at home with my fiance, Jess & our friend Dan. Jack was there too, but of course, he was sleeping. It was fun. We played games and ending up writing all over Jess's white t-shirt with permanent marker. Fun times!
Any New Year's resolutions?...Mine aren't so strict or technical, but I do want to lose weight by Cancun in February and I am slowing down on "the sauce". Not that I drink an awful lot right now, but I think even once a week is way too much for me. I would be a lot happier & healthier if I cut back. Jess said he was going to not drink until Cancun...We'll see how that goes...
That's about it for now...stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!
Hello all and welcome to 2009! Here's my rhyme for 2009..."2009 is gonna be fine! I'm gonna shine!" you like it? I was really bored on New Year's Eve & I came up with it! Yay me!
Just in case anyone was wondering, I brought in the new year at home with my fiance, Jess & our friend Dan. Jack was there too, but of course, he was sleeping. It was fun. We played games and ending up writing all over Jess's white t-shirt with permanent marker. Fun times!
Any New Year's resolutions?...Mine aren't so strict or technical, but I do want to lose weight by Cancun in February and I am slowing down on "the sauce". Not that I drink an awful lot right now, but I think even once a week is way too much for me. I would be a lot happier & healthier if I cut back. Jess said he was going to not drink until Cancun...We'll see how that goes...
That's about it for now...stay tuned for more AMAZING ADVENTURES!
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